American Philatelic Society

Exhibit copies in the APRL

We have more than 800 exhibit reproductions in the library. Of these, more than 100 are digital scans, and the remainder are paper copies. Some are reproduced in black and white, but others are in full color. These exhibit copies can be checked out of the library just like books. (Paper copies are bound, and digital scans are on CD- or DVD-ROM.) We are also making selected exhibits available on the APS website for members — currently more than 50.

To search our exhibit holdings - go to the online catalog and enter “exhibit” in the Record Type box. You can then add title, subject, or author (exhibitor) keywords to your search. When we have information about awards the exhibit has won, we add that information to the catalog record.

See exhibits currently posted to our website

Interested in donating a copy of your exhibit to the library or making it available on the APS website? Click here for details.

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