Our searchable calendar below contains APS sponsored events, National WSP shows, International shows, Bourse only shows, etc. 

Tips:  We invite you to scroll through the calendar of events for each month, or search by state or by zip code to find an event in your area.  Click on any show name to view additional details about each event.

Interested in Advertising your Event? Read more....

K2 Lancaster Stamp Show

February 9, 2025 Bourse only (no exhibits)


K2 Stamps


Farm and Home Center

1383 Arcadia Road

Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17601


Kevin Kellman







To Advertise your Upcoming Event

As a service to APS chapters, affiliates, and our members, the APS publishes contact information for upcoming stamp shows. The listings are provided both on our website and on a space available basis in The American Philatelist. The listings are free to World Series of Philately and other shows that are sponsored by an APS chapter or affiliate. Shows that are not sponsored by APS chapters or affiliates may purchase listings for the month of the show and the month prior. Paid listings cost $25 per show per month

Information must be received 60 days in advance of the desired magazine publication date.


Questions or Event Corrections:

Contact wendy@stamps.org or call 814-933-3812.


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Animated GIF Oct 2018

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