The following is an announcement from the Mineral County Historical Society, a non-profit organization focused on promoting interest in Mineral County and area history, as well as discovering , collecting and preserving, maintaining, holding, managing, and disposing of historical sites and other properties, both real and personal, useful in the promotion of the society. MCHS also promotes, and cooperates with state, local and federal agencies in the promotion of educational facilities, including the preservation and utilization of historic sites, places and properties. Learn more about MCHS on their website.
Join us on October 5, as the Mineral County Historical Society hosts its first ever online local history presentation, featuring the Headsville Post Office. Ron Breznay of Wilkes-Barre, PA, will discuss this interesting piece of Mineral County history, now part of the collection at a nationally-recognized philatelic center.
The presentation will be offered via Zoom on Wednesday, October 5, 7:00 PM.
Topic: MCHS October 5 Meeting Featuring Headsville Post Office
Time: Oct 5, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Click here for a link to the Zoom Meeting
Ron Breznay has studied and written about postal history, and his interest in the Headsville Post Office recently led him to become a member of the Mineral County Historical Society. His presentation will include photos, post office documents, "covers" (envelopes that have gone through the mail), and other documents.
In the early 1860s, a small general store equipped with a post office was built and operated by Henry Head on what became the McDonald family farm in the current Mineral County community of Headsville. The store ended business during the Depression era of the 1930s and remained essentially undisturbed for some forty years. In the early 1970s, the structure was disassembled and moved to the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of History and Technology in Washington, where it stood as an example of a typical nineteenth-century country store and post office. Then, around 2007, it was moved to the headquarters of the American Philatelic Society in Bellefonte, PA, where it remains on "permanent loan" from the Smithsonian. Ron's presentation will tell the story in much more detail.
The October event will be a membership meeting with some brief organizational announcements and business on the agenda, but non-members are cordially invited to attend. Feel free to share this announcement with anyone you believe might be interested.
Although the Historical Society has a long history of offering dinner meetings with local history programs, this is our first venture into the virtual arena. We invite your participation and feedback, so mark your calendars for Wednesday, October 5.
This message is being sent to all Mineral County Historical Society members for whom we currently have email addresses. We are also developing plans for an occasional email newsletter which would utilize the same mailing list. If, for any reason, you wish to be removed from the email list, please indicate your preference by sending an email to Vice President Ed McDonald at
The MCHS Board
President/Secretary, Cindy Pyles
Vice-President, Ed McDonald
Treasurer, Pam Williams
Trustees Dinah Courrier, Dave Frederick, Cody Pancake