The winners of the 2021 Great American Stamp Show Exhibit and Literature Palmares have been announced.
The Great American Stamp Show was sponsored by USPS and took place in Rosemont, Illinois. The Palmares awards were presented during the "Celebration Banquet" on August 14th.
The major award winners include:
2 Champions of Champions
Benjamin & Naomi Wishnietsky Multiframe Champion of Champions
A Country Divided: Effects of the American Civil War on the Mails
Daniel J. Ryterband
Most Popular Champion of Champions
Women of the Black Heritage Series from the Fields of Slavery to the Halls of Congress
Mark Thompson
Literature Grand
Stamp Taxes in Nevada, volumes 1-4. An Illustrated Census of Documents Bearing Nevada State Revenue Stamps, 1865 - 1873, by Type and Tax Rate.
Michael Mahler
StampShow Most Popular
In the Beginning...Timbromanie, How the Proliferation of Postage Stamps Started a Collecting Revolution
Vince King
AmeriCover Most Popular
Carol Gordon Cachets
Susan B. Jones
National Topical Stamp Show Most Popular
Leroy Crain
StampShow Single Frame Grand
World War I Comes to the German Mail in Shantung, China
Louis P. Pataki
National Topical Stamp Show Single Frame
The Leticia Incident
Fran Adams
National Topical Stamp Show Multi-Frame Grand
The Coconut Palm - Palm of Life & Palm of COmmerce
Phillip J. Stager
StampShow Multi-Frame Grand
Rebel Documents, Yankee Stamps: How the Union Collected Its Stamp Taxes in the Confederacy
Michael T. Mahler
AmeriCover Multi-Frame Grand
The 3¢ Connecticut Tercentenary Issue of 1935 and its First Days
Anthony F. Dewey