Exhibit Entry Forms

We invite you to enter a competitive exhibit for our  August 14-17, 2025, combined StampShow, National Topical Stamp Show and Americover in Schaumburg, Illinois.   GASS 2025 includes a  thematic, first day cover and open competition for multiframe and single frame exhibits and also features the annual World Series of Philately Champion of Champions Competition and Most Popular Champion of Champions Competition.

The show will also include the 56th Annual Literature Exhibition. Space is limited so get your entries submitted before the deadlines listed.

All entries can be emailed to stampshow@stamps.org or mailed to:

American Philatelic Society
Attn: GASS Exhibit Entry
100 Match Factory Place
Bellefonte, PA 16823


Philatelic Exhibition Entry -

- 2025 Exhibit Entry Form (fillable PDF)- * Entry forms DUE May 5, 2025

As of February 3rd StampsShow Single Frames are FULL - Still accepting NTSS and Americover singles frame entries.

- 2025 Exhibit Prospectus (PDF)

**Please Note:   In the case of over-subscription of available frames, APS reserves the right to reduce the limits. Exhibits entered in the Multiframe C of C or Most Popular C of C do not count towards this limit. **


Literature Exhibition Entry -

- 2025 Literature Competition Entry Form (fillable PDF) - * Entry forms DUE May 5, 2024
- 2025 Literature Competition Prospectus (PDF)

Exhibit Jury


Literature Competition Jury


Exhibit Jury

Ed Kroft (Chief), Vancouver, Canada
Michael Bloom, Oregon
Charles Bromser, Australia
Robert Hohertz, Minnesota
John Hotchner, Virginia
Kathy Johnson, Minnesota
Andre Kelley, Colorado
Behruz Nassre-Esfahani, California
Raymond Pietruszka, Alabama
Stephen Reinhard, New York
Simon Richards, United Kingdom
Patricia Stilwell Walker, Florida

FIP Option Jury

James Mazepa, Florida
W. Danforth Walker, Florida

Literature Competition Jury

Kenneth Trettin (Chief), Iowa
Patrick Walters, Colorado
Alan Warren, Pennsylvania
Thomas Lera, (Literature Apprentice) Florida

Contact Wendy Masorti,
Director of Membership & Shows

Email: stampshow@stamps.org

Phone: 814-933-3803 ext. 218

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