Below are some frequent questions that we have received about the new store and our answers:
Q. Will I be able to search specifically for APS Stamp Store items via the HipStamp site?
A. Yes, all APS Stamp Store items will be available at and can be searched using all available HipStamp filters and tools
Q. I really liked the way the previous StampStore search engine worked in that stamps come up in order by Scott catalog number. Will that sorting method still be in place with the new system?
A. Yes, HipStamp can sort the results of any search by “country/catalog number”.
Q. Will I be able to search for specific Stamp Store sellers on HipStamp?
A. Yes, APS seller numbers will be included as a keyword in each item’s title so they can be searched in the keyword search field.
Q. I have bought and sold on StampStore, but have only made purchases (no sales) via HipStamp. Can I create an independent sales account (separate from StampStore) on HipStamp?
A. Yes, you can sell independent of the APS Stamp Store on HipStamp
Q. If I am selling on HipStamp independent from the APS Stamp Store, will my APS Badge still be visible to potential customers on my HipStamp-only account?
A. Yes, badges will be available to APS sellers who are operating independently of the APS Stamp Store. The badging system is being developed and won’t be available right away at the start of the partnership. Stay tuned for more information on badging.
Q. If I see an error in one of my APS Stamp Store listings, do I contact APS or HipStamp?
A. Please contact APS at
Q. If I think I see an error in an APS Stamp Store listing, who do I contact?
A. Please contact APS at
Q. Will I still be able to create “favorite” searches in HipStamp?
A. HipStamp allows you to “follow” searches which provides a very similar functionality to StampStore’s “favorite” system. Also HipStamp allows buyers to watch and share want lists. When you see items that you want to save for later, you can mark the item “Watch this item”. You can view your watch list at any time and move items to your cart from there. Also, the “Want List” feature lets you enter items of interest, it will then provide a list of all available inventory for that item and will email you updates when new items are listed that match your Want List so you have the first pick to secure the perfect stamps for your collection.
Q. As a seller through the APS Stamp Store, where can I view my sales? And, when purchases are made, does this update automatically from HipStamp?
A. As an APS Stamp Store seller, you will have access to view sales in the same location as before - visit and go to MyAPS and then MyStamps. And Yes, the purchases made will be properly noted on your account almost instantly.
Q. HipStamp sellers are allowed to sell via the auction method rather than a set price. Will that method be available for APS Stamp Store sellers?
A. No, APS will continue to sell items solely at set prices. HipStamp’s auction listings are something we may explore in the future.
Q. When setting up a new buyer account on HipStamp will I need to use the same email address as provided to APS?
A. Yes, the email address should be the same as the one on file with APS. Using the same email will recognize you as an APS member when the order is received by us and will ensure you are given member discounts when that becomes available (coming soon).
Q. What will the checkout process look like?
A. When checking out, the buyer is presented with two options: 1) Paypal and 2) Credit or Debit card.
Q. As a buyer, will I be able to use available funds on my APS account for HipStamp purchases?
A. APS buyers will not be able to use funds on account for purchases during the checkout process at HipStamps.
If you still have questions, please reach out to our StampStore at