APS Stamp Chat: "Creating a Philatelic YouTube Channel" with Ted Tyszka
APS Stamp Chat: Medical Imaging on Stamps with Dr. Frank Corwin
APS Stamp Chat: The 1929 Airmail Stamps of India with Markand Dave, FRPSL
APS Stamp Chat w/ James Gates, National Baseball Hall of Fame, "Cardboard Culture Card Collecting and Postage Stamps"
APS Stamp Chat: "Patriotic Covers & History, Part I"
Mail from the Belgian Congo, presented on Stamp Chat with Patrick Maselis
APS Stamp Chat: "From Concept to Reality: Tanganyika 1961 Indepenence Issue" w Dr. Richard Morel, British Library
APS Stamp Chat: "The Design Process for Creating Artistamps" with Tara Joy Andrews
APS Stamp Chat: The Golden Eagles: Lindberg & Earhart with Hal Turner
Teaching US Citizenship with Stamps - Stamp Chat Exclusive
5.29.20 APS Stamp Chat: Graham Beck, "The Making of 'Exploring Stamps'"
5.27.20 APS Stamp Chat: Great Britain Pre-Decimal Stamps & Currency
Updated: Tax Strategies for Owners of Philatelic Material and Other Collectibles
GASS 2025: Philatelic Literature Competition
Scott English, Executive Director
Susanna Mills, Editor in Chief
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