Multi-Column Price List Ads
We Do Not provide typesetting service for ads containing extensive price lists. These ads are accepted only in digital format, and we charge $75 per hour, 1 hour minimum for the time required to produce your ad.
Digital Files
If digital files are not properly sized, or do not otherwise meet our specifications, you will be charged $75 per hour for modifications necessary to produce your ad. You may send your ads via e-mail, on CD, or upload to WeTransfer. We are not responsible for color quality of digital files sent without a hard copy proof to verify color shades.
Billing Information
Your advertising invoice is generally mailed on the 15th of each month. Payment is due upon receipt of invoice. You may request that your ads be charged automatically to your VISA, MasterCard or Discover.
Overdue Accounts
A late payment of 1½ percent per month is added to advertising accounts that are more than 60 days past due. We encourage all advertisers to keep their accounts up-to-date. Failure to pay for advertising can result in expulsion from the Society, legal action, and/or court fees.