Translators needed!

Volunteers who can translate based on images provided by email are especially needed for languages such as Chinese and Japanese and others that use non-Latin alphabets.  If you are interested in assisting, please email APS Director of Expertizing Ken Martin at

Translation Service

As an APS member, you can obtain translations of philatelically-related material through the APS Translation Service. Almost anything philatelic can be translated:

  • letters
  • cancellations
  • inscriptions on stamps
  • FDC cachets

Translations of practically all major languages can be accomplished by the members of the APS Translation Committee.

Do not send original material unless it is impossible to make clear photocopies. If it is necessary to send an original document, send it either by registered or insured mail.

Nominal Fees

Nominal fees may be charged in some cases while short translation requests are generally provided at no cost.

Requests for translation of longer items will be negotiated with the committee members; the requesting member will be advised of the price before the translation is begun. To expedite translation, members requesting translations should agree to pay all charges up to a limit that they set in advance. Translation will not proceed if the charges will exceed the member’s stated limit. Members using checks to pay for services MUST make the checks payable to an individual. Banks will not cash checks made out to the service.

Postage Fees

Postage fees for sending or returning translation materials must be paid by the member requesting the translation. As a general rule, three times the postage necessary to send the translation should be enclosed to cover all forwarding and return postage requirements. Requests will not be processed until such postage is provided.

Online Request

Online requests are encouraged and may be submitted to Bobby Liao.  Please include:

  • Your full name (as appeared in the APS membership records)
  • APS membership number
  • E-mail address (if different from the one you are sending the request from)
  • Details of your request
  • Digital image of the item you wish to translate

To submit your request via regular mail, please send to:

Bobby Liao
c/o APS Translation Committee
100 Match Factory Place
Bellefonte, PA 16823

Additional information is available at the Translation Committee website 

In addition to the Translation Committee, for quick translations you may want to try:

Joseph Luft's U.S. Classics Stamp Store


Send all requests for translations directly to:
Bobby Liao
c/o APS,
100 Match Factory Pl.
Bellefonte, PA 16823


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