American Philatelic Society
Local Stamp Shows
Take advantage of free items you can request from APS for setting up a youth or beginner area at the show.

Have a box or boxes of stamps at an adult area table near the youth area to encourage adults to look through for some goodies while waiting for their children who are at the youth area. You may find that the kids will stay in the youth area longer, the adults will have the opportunity to look through free stamps, which is usually not allowed in youth areas of most shows and the two areas will look busy to the point that more people gravitate there to see what is of interest. The adult table could be used for recruiting as well, for APS memberships and for local Chapter memberships.

Offer an incentive to get club members to help with the local show. One Chapter issues ‘stamp bucks’ to members for attending meetings, giving presentations, volunteering at the show, and so on. Then the accumulated stamp bucks are issued to members at the show and can be spent with show dealers at a specific exchange rate (the club ultimately redeems them for cash). They also use them at Chapter auctions.

Many shows have close working relationships with their local post offices. Cultivation of a close working relationship with the US Postal Service has brought support for the local shows -- special show cancels and philatelic sales tables, etc.

Develop a multi-Chapter competition at the show. One show allots one frame for each competing Chapter’s exhibit. Each Chapter decides what they want for a theme and divides the 16 pages of the frame among its members. Pick a prize that would benefit the winning Chapter, for example, a Penny Black. Each member felt they had a hand in the activity and now they have 6 or 7 members traveling to the each year rather than the 2 or 3 they once had going. A member will take pride in seeing that one page they constructed in that frame with their other Chapter members’ pages. That show had ground rules: it has to be Fun, show Excitement and be Enjoyable. (And, the Judges for it are anonymous!) Good show attendance tool.

Even if someone is set in their ways about a particular aspect of putting on a show, they, at least, care about something and should be put in charge of that aspect.

If you have problems getting volunteers for your show, contact other clubs in the region to try recruiting for the local show.

One suggestion for getting exhibits for the local show is to develop commissioners in parts of the U.S. to have someone in that area carry exhibits to a show the commissioner is attending.

APS Chapters may publicize information about their sponsored exhibitions in the special "SHOW TIME" section of the APS monthly magazine and in the online show calendar.

The APS has an established exhibition judging program, with more than 90 accredited judges available to serve at Chapter exhibitions.

Awards and Medals
Medals of Excellence and Research Award Medals of Excellence and Research Award - available to WSP Shows.
Chapter Exhibition Medals - available for Chapters to award as they wish at their own philatelic exhibitions.
Club Sparkplug Awards - recognize those members who provide the energy that keeps your club moving!
Nicholas G. Carter Volunteer Recognition Award - The ultimate award for a local club volunteer is the Carter Volunteer Recognition Award for local promotion/service, named for the former APS President. Chapter status of the nominating club and APS membership of the nominee are not requirements. Nominations are accepted throughout the year and are retained for up to three years.

Special pricing is available to clubs to purchase mailing lists to promote membership or invite local APS members to your next show.

Send out one e-mail message per year for any World Series of Philately show, chapter or affiliate per the guidelines.

There are APS Produced & Maintained Chapter Web pages - click for details.

The APS encourages collectors to showcase their exhibits online and allow others the opportunity to view, and learn from them. Click to view our current listing of online exhibits.

Advertise your upcoming club meeting or stamp show with flyers provided in 8 1/2 x 11 format - click here to view available flyers.

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