Mailing Lists are available at Commercial and Non-Commercial Rates

All lists are considered proprietary information and are solely for the one-time use of the APS member who is the purchaser.
Lists are provided for philatelic offers only and use of APS lists for the purpose of sending unsolicited approvals is prohibited.
The Society reserves the right of review and approval on all mailing pieces. To initiate service, a written request accompanied by a sample mailing piece (or draft copy), is required.

For information about mailing list availability, contact our Membership Team or call 814-933-3803 ext. 218.

**Members who have requested the Society not to release their address will be excluded from mailing lists.
**Member Email addresses are not released. We will send out one e-mail message per year for any WSP show, chapter or affiliate per the guidelines.

Non-Commercial Lists

Group membership or show solicitations - provided at discounted rate.
APS-affiliated philatelic organizations and members who wish to solicit attendance at an upcoming philatelic event or to help start a club may request the use of portions of the membership list at a discounted rate. A fee or quid pro quo, at the discretion of the Executive Director will be arranged. The “cost” fee basis is 10 cents per name up to 200 and 1 cent per name thereafter (a 1,000 name list would cost $28.00).


Available to APS Chapters, Affiliates and WSP accredited shows to solicit membership or attendance at sponsored shows.


  • Request by chapter president, secretary, or recognized club representative.
  • Sample (draft copy) of what is to be mailed.
  • For Clubs - lists limited to zip code areas served by the club.
  • For Affiliates - lists limited to collecting interests (see collecting interests list) consistent with affiliate's area of interest.
  • No more than one request per year.
  • If additional lists or wider area are requested, commercial rate will be charged.
To individual members by collecting interest or geographically to help start a club (non-commercial use).


  • Statement of purpose for list specifically indicating it is not for commercial use.
  • One request per year or commercial rate will be charged.

Lists Provided Commercially

Group or dealer member offers for products and services.
APS-affiliated philatelic organizations and dealer members sometimes ask to use the Society’s mailing lists so they can send offers of philatelic products or services to APS members. While the Society is conservative in releasing members’ names and addresses, the APS does permit use of portions of the membership list when, in the opinion of the Society, the products or services offered may be of benefit to the membership.

  • To any member, chapter, or affiliate in good standing, and to postal agencies upon approval of the Executive Director.
  • Requests for non-philatelic use or from non-members to be approved by the Board of Vice Presidents.
  • Fee basis is $100 per 1,000 records with a minimum fee of $100 for 1,000 records. Lists exceeding 1,000 records will be invoiced based upon the exact count prorated at $100/m (10 cents per name).
  • The fee for monthly mailing lists of admitted new members is $300 annually.
  • Lists can be tailored by collecting interest (see collecting interests list), zip areas, or by date of membership.


  1. Lists are provided for the sole use of the renter and may not be resold or transferred to another party.
  2. Sample (draft copy) of what is to be mailed.
  3. Lists are provided for one-time use.
  4. Use of APS lists for the purpose of sending unsolicited approvals is prohibited.

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