Become a Show Sponsor!
APS shows offer a great opportunity to promote your business while helping with the success of the show! Sponsor a special booth or a function or an award - your name will be included in signage, in the program, and on the website! Below is a partial list of opportunities but we would be happy to discuss other possibilities such as the main registration area. The cost may also be tax-deductible.
If interested, complete and submit the GASS Sponsorship Form.
NOTE: Those highlighted in yellow have already been purchased.
StampShow Function Sponsorships 2025
- Show Patron - $25+ - Click here to become a show patron today!
(ribbon on the name badge and recognized in the show program)
- Celebration Dinner - $5,000
(includes sponsorship recognition at dinner, complimentary table, and recognition in promotion of the show/show program)
- Campaign for Philately Reception - $2,500
(includes sponsorship recognition at reception and recognition in promotion of the show/show program)
- Concessions Area - $2,000
(includes promotional signage in concessions area and recognition as a sponsor in promotion of the show/show program)
- Youth Area - $1,000
(includes promotional signage in the youth area and recognition as a sponsor in promotion of the show/show program)
- Branded Tote Bag - $1,000
(branded giveaway for show attendees and recognition as a sponsor in promotion of the show/show program)
- Literature Booth - $500 - Sold
Collectors Club of Chicago
(includes promotional signage in the literature area and recognition as a sponsor in promotion of the show/show program)
- Meeting/Seminar Room - $500
(includes branding on room and recognition as a sponsor in promotion of the show/show program)
StampShow Exhibit Award Sponsorships
(The following requires a minimum five year commitment; sponsor is included on the identification of the object in the awards display at the show, in the show program, and on the palmares.)
- Champion of Champions - SOLD
Named: Benjamin & Naomi Wishnietsky
- Most Popular Champion of Champions - $5,000
- Multiframe Grand - $5,000
- Single Frame Grand - $5,000
- Youth Grand - $2,000 - SOLD
Vern & Pam Morris
If interested, complete and submit the GASS Sponsorship Form.