Serbia Scott 81

One of these stamps is a genuine stamp and the other(s) is a forgery. Can you tell the difference?
If you are having trouble, see the "hints" and answer below.

View The Hint

Forgery: The photolithographic Smeets forgeries have a somewhat blurred or smudgy appearance in comparison with the genuine typographed stamps. In the upper right-hand corner of the stamp, the fourth and fifth letters in the Cyrillic word resemble a backward “N” and a “J.” The end of the hook of the “J” appears to slightly overlap the vertical stroke on the backward “N” that precedes it. (The Fourneir forgeries show a distinct break in the outline of the bridge of the nose of the profile of King Peter I, who is on the right.) Genuine: The fourth and fifth Cyrillic letters in the word in the upper right-hand corner of the stamp are close together but do not overlap. There is no break in the outline of the bridge of King Peter’s nose.

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A is the genuine stamp

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Scott Catalogue numbers reprinted with permission from Amos Media Company. All Rights Reserved.

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