January 2, 2014
Kansas City, MO 64108
Coil of 10,000, water-activated gum
Ashton Potter
4¢ Coil
January 15, 2014
San Francisco, CA 94188
Pane of 12 self-Adhesive
CCL Label, Inc.
46¢ commemorative forever stamp
January 21, 2014
New York, NY 10199
Pane of 20, self-Adhesive
46¢ nondenominated definitive special forever stamp
January 27, 2014
4848 Fortune's Holly Fern
4849 Soft Shield Fern
4850 Autumn Fern
4851 Goldie's Wood Fern
4852 Painted Fern
Five designs, Coil of 3,000 and 10,000 self-Adhesive
49¢ denominated coil
January 28, 2014
Independence, MO 64050
4853 - CCL coil
4854 - AP coil
4855 - AP pane
a. Convertible booklet pane of 20
Pane of 20, Coil 100
AP-coil and pane, CCL Coil
49¢, nondenominated definitive forever stamp
January 31, 2014
Brooklyn, NY 11201
49¢, nondenominated commemorative forever stamp
February 7, 2014
Kansas City, MO 64144
4857 pane
4858 coil
Pane of 20, Coil of 100, Self-Adhesive
34¢ definitive post card rate
February 10, 2014
70¢ denominated nonstandard surcharge rate stamp
February 12, 2014
Springfield, IL 62701
4860 pane
4861 coil
Two designs, pane of 20, coil of 100, self-Adhesive
21¢ Denominated additional-ounce rate stamps
February 14, 2014
Little Rock, AR 72202
4862 Cyclamen
4863 Paperwhite
4864 Amaryllis
4865 Christmas Cactus
a. Block of 4, #4862-4865
b. booklet pane of 20, 5 each #4862-4865
Four designs, Pane of 20, self-Adhesive
Sennett Security Printers
49¢, nondeminated forever stamp
February 18, 2014
91¢ 3-ounce letter rate commemorative
February 22, 2014
Mesa, AZ 85201
70¢, nondeminated forever stamp
March 3, 2014
Washington, DC 20066
4868 SSP coil
4869 CCL pane
4870 SSP pane
4871 ATM pane
Booklet of 20, Coil 100
CCL- pane, SSP - coil, pane, ATM
March 4, 2014
Priority Mail
Pane of 10, self-adhesive
$5.60 Priority Mail
March 6, 2014
4874 Fortune’s Holly
4875 Soft Shield
4876 Autumn Fern
4877 Goldie's Wood Fern
4878 Painted Fern
a. Strip of 5
Five designs, Coil of 10,000, self-Adhesive
49¢ nondenominated Forever
March 13, 2014
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
70¢ Denominated 2-ounce letter rate
Express Mail
Honolulu, HI 96820
Pane of 10, self-Adhesive
$19.99 Express mail rate
Austin, TX 78710
Pane of 16, self-Adhesive
49¢, nondeminated commemorative forever stamp
March 17, 2014
Liberty, MO 64068
4782b Autumn
4783b Winter
4784b Spring
4785b Summer
March 21, 2014
St. Louis, MO 63155
March 28, 2014
UZ645 single
UY52 double
Postal card and double-reply card
34¢ nondenominated forever postal card
April 5, 2014
Dallas, TX 75260
4882 WesternMeadowlark
4883 Mountain Bluebird
4884 Western Tanager
4885 Painted Bunting
4886 Baltimore Oriole
4887 Evening Grosbeak
4888 Scarlet Tanager
4889 Rose-breasted Grosbeak
4890 American Goldfinch
4891 White-throated Sparrow
a. Block of 10, #4882-4891
Ten designs, Booklet of 20, self-Adhesive
49¢ nondenominated Commemorative Forever
April 11, 2014
49¢ nondenominated commemorative forever stamp
April 22, 2014
$1.15 nondenominated Global forever airmail stamp
April 25, 2014
4894 Flag with 5 Full and 3 Partial Stars
4895 Flag with 3 Full Stars
4896 Flag with 4 Full and 2 Partial Stars
4897 Flag with 2 Full and 2 Partial Stars
a. Strip of 4
Four designs, Coil of 10,000 self-Adhesive
49¢ nondenominated definitive, Forever stamp
May 2, 2014
Acton, MA 01720
Scott #: 4764a
Pane of 20, Self-Adhesive
May 5, 2014
Sarasota, FL 34230
4898 Barnum and Bailey Circus Poster with Clown
4899 Sells-Floto Circus Poster
4900 Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey Circus Poster with Dainty Miss Leitzel
4901 Al. G. Barnes Wild Animal Circus Poster
4902 Ringling Bros. Shows Poster with Hillary Long
4903 Barnum and Bailey Circus Poster with Tiger
4904 Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey Circus Poster with Elephant
4905 Carl Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus Poster
a. Block of 8
Eight designs, Pane of 16
49¢ nondenominated, Commemorative Forever
May 22, 2014
49¢ nondenominate, Commemorative Forever
May 29, 2014
Las Vegas, NV 89199
Pane of 20, Self-adhesive
June 6, 2014
York, PA 17402
4908 Black car
4909 Red car
Pane of 20, Convertible booklet
June 27, 2014
Not valid for postage
RW81 water active
RW81A self-adhesive
Water activated pane of 20 and self-adhesive pane of 1
$15 Federal migratory waterfowl hunting and conservation
July 26, 2014
Arlington, VA 22201
4822a Navy
4823a Army
Two designs, Prestige folio of 20, Self-Adhesive
July 30, 2014
Petersburg, VA 23803; Mobile, AL 36601
4910 Battle Petersburg
4911 Battle of Mobile Bay
Two designs, Souvenir sheets of 12 (6 of each design) self-Adhesive
49¢ nondenominated commemorative forever stamps
August 7, 2014
4912 Breads
4913 Fruits and Vegetables
4914 Flowers
4915 Plants
Four designs, Pane of 20
49¢ nondenominated, Commemorative, Forever
August 8, 2014
Pane of 16
August 21, 2014
Hartford, CT 06101
4917 Grand Canyon, by Thomas Moran (1837-1926)
4918 Summer Afternoon, by Asher B. Durand (1796-1886)
4919 Sunset, by Frederic Edwin Church (1826-1900)
4920 Distant View of Niagara Falls, by Thomas Cole (1801-48)
Four designs, double-sided pane of 20
Pane of 20
49¢ nondenominated, Forever
September 13, 2014
Baltimore, MD 21233
Pane of 20 self adhesive
September 26, 2014
Chicago, IL 60699
4922 Edna Lewis
4923 Felipe Rojas-Lombardi
4924 Joyce Chen
4925 James Beard
4926 Julia Child
Five designs, Pane of 20
September 29, 2014
Danese, WV 25831
$5.75 Priority Mail Stamp
October 1, 2014
Stamped Envelopes
U687 Cardinal
U688 Snowman
No. 10 Envelopes, 2 designs
49¢ nondenominated, Stamped envelopes, Forever
Stamped Envelope
No. 10 Env.
49¢ nondenominated, Stamped envelope, Forever
October 9, 2014
4928-31 Bat Signals
4932 Modern Batman
4933 Batman and Bat Signal
4934 Batman and Rope
4935 Golden Age Batman
Pane of 20, 8 designs
October 11, 2014
Dover, DE 19901
Pane of 20, self-adhesive
49¢ nondenominated definitive, forever stamp
October 23, 2014
Pane of 10 self adhesive
$1.15 nondenominated, Global forever
4937 Ice Skating (photogravure)
4941 Ice Skating (lithographed)
4938 Building Snowman (photogravure)
4942 Building Snowman (lithographed)
4940 Snow Angels (photogravure)
4944 Snow Angels (lithographed)
4939 Bird Watching (photogravure)
4943 Bird Watching (lithographed)
Convertible booklet of 20; ATM pane of 18
CCL Label, Inc. - convertible booklet; Ashton Potter - ATM pane)
49¢ nondenominated, Special, Forever
November 6, 2014
4946 Rudolph
4947 Hermey and Rudolph
4948 Santa Claus
4949 Bumble
a. Block of 4
b. Convertible booklet pane of 20, 5 each
4 designs, Pane of 20
November 19, 2014
December 5, 2014
Philadelphia, PA 19104
4950 Philadelphia Warriors Uniform
4951 Los Angeles Lakers uniform
2 designs, Pane of 18
49¢ nondenominated Commemorative, Forever
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