2023 U.S. New Issues

Red Fox

Issue Date:

January 5, 2023

Place of Issue:

Fox, AR

Scott #:

5742 - serpentine die cut 11 1/4 x 11

5743 - coil, serpentine die cut 11 vertical


panes of 20


Banknote Corporation of America


40 cent denoiminated, mail use

School Bus

Issue Date:

January 5, 2023

Place of Issue:

High Point, NC

Scott #:

5740 - serpentine die cut 11

5741 - coil, serpentine die cut 11 horizontal


panes of 20


Banknote Corporation of America


Non-denominated Additional Ounce Rate

Lunar New Year - Year of the Rabbit

Lunar New Year

Issue Date:

January 12, 2023

Place of Issue:

San Francisco, CA

Scott #:


5744a - imperforate


panes of 20


Banknote Corporation of America


First-Class Mail Forever Stamp

Love 2023


Issue Date:

January 19, 2023

Place of Issue:

Austin, TX

Scott #:

5745 - Kitten and Heart

5745a - Kitten and Heart (imperforate)

5746 - Puppy and Heart

5746a - Puppy and Heart (imperforate)

b. Horiz. or vert. pair (5745-5746)

c. Imperforate horiz. or vert. pair (5745a-5746a)


panes of 20


Banknote Corporation of America


First Class Mail Forever

Great Smoky Mountains

Issue Date:

January 22, 2023

Place of Issue:

Gatlinburg, TN

Scott #:



Pane of 4 (1 Design)


Banknote Corporation of America


$28.75 Priority Mail Express Rate


Issue Date:

January 22, 2023

Place of Issue:

Lahaina, HI

Scott #:

5747 - Two Sailboats, serpentine die cut 11 1/4 x 11

5748 - One Sailboat, serpentine die cut 11 1/4 x 11

a - Horiz. or vert. pair, (5747-5748)

5749 - Two Sailboats, serpentine die cut 9 1/2 vert.

5750 - One Sailboat, serpentine die cut 9 1/2 vert.

a - Pair, (5749-5750)


panes of 20 (two designs)


Ashton Potter (USA)


Postcard rate, non-denominated (mail use)

Florida Everglades

Issue Date:

January 22, 2023

Place of Issue:

Homestead, FL

Scott #:



Pane of 4 (1 Design)


Banknote Corporation of America


$9.65 Priority Mail Rate

Ernest J. Gaines

Black Heritage

Issue Date:

January 23, 2023

Place of Issue:

Lafayette, LA

Scott #:



panes of 20 (one design)


Banknote Corporation of America


First-class mail forever

Women’s Soccer

Issue Date:

February 16, 2023

Place of Issue:

Orlando, FL

Scott #:

5754 - (63c) Women’s Soccer

a. Imperforate


Panes of 20 (1 design)


Banknote Corporation of America


First Class Mail Forever

$10 Floral Geometry

Issue Date:

February 24, 2023

Place of Issue:

San Diego, CA

Scott #:

5755 - $10 Floral Geometry


Pane of 4 (1 Design)


Banknote Corporation of America


$10 Definitive

Patriotic Block

Issue Date:

March 1, 2023

Place of Issue:

Liberty, NY

Scott #:

5756 - (5c) Stars and Bars coil stamp


Self-adhesive coils of 3,000 and 10,000


Nondenominated, Non-profit

Toni Morrison

Issue Date:

March 7, 2023

Place of Issue:

Princeton, NJ

Scott #:

5757 - (63c) Toni Morrison

a. Imperforate


Pane of 20 (1 Design)


Banknote Corporation of America


First Class Mail Forever

Railroad Stations

Issue Date:

March 9, 2023

Place of Issue:

Cincinnati, OH

Scott #:

5758 - (63c) Historic Railroad Stations – Point of Rocks Station, Maryland

a. Imperforate

5759 - (63c) Historic Railroad Stations – Main Street Station, Richmond, Virginia

a. Imperforate

5760 - (63c) Historic Railroad Stations – Santa Fet Station, San Bernardino, California

a. Imperforate

5761 - (63c) Historic Railroad Stations – Tamaqua Station, Pennsylvania

a. Imperforate

5762 - (63c) Historic Railroad Stations – Union Terminal, Cincinnati, Ohio

a. Imperforate

b. Vert. strip of 5, #5758-5762

c. Imperforate vert. strip of 5, #5758a-5762a


Pane of 20 (5 Designs)


Banknote Corporation of America


First Class Mail Forever

Art of the Skateboard

Issue Date:

March 24, 2023

Place of Issue:

Phoenix, AZ

Scott #:

5763 - Tlingit Athabascan Salmon Design by Crystal Worl

5763a - Tlingit Athabascan Salmon Design imperforate

5764 -  Abstract Design by William James Taylor

5764a -  Abstract Design imperforate

5765 - Navajo Design by Di’Orr Greenwood

5765a - Navajo Design imperforate

5766 - Jaguar Design by MasPaz (Frederico Frum)

5766a - Jaguar Design imperforate

b. - Horiz. or vert. strip of 4, #5763-5766

c. Imperforate horiz. or vert. strip of 4, #5763a-5766a


Pane of 20 (4 Designs)


Banknote Corporation of America


First Class Mail Forever

Tulip Blossoms

Issue Date:

April 5, 2023

Place of Issue:

Woodburn, OR

Scott #:

5767 - (63c) Tulip Blossoms serpentine die cut 10¾ vert. coil stamp – Pink tulip with yellowish base

5768 - (63c) Tulip Blossoms serpentine die cut 10¾ vert. coil stamp – Purple tulip with white base

5769 - (63c) Tulip Blossoms serpentine die cut 10¾ vert. coil stamp – Pink and orange tulip

5770 - (63c) Tulip Blossoms serpentine die cut 10¾ vert. coil stamp – Lilac tulip

5771 - (63c) Tulip Blossoms serpentine die cut 10¾ vert. coil stamp – Orange and red tulip

5772 - (63c) Tulip Blossoms serpentine die cut 10¾ vert. coil stamp – Dark purple tulip

5773 - (63c) Tulip Blossoms serpentine die cut 10¾ vert. coil stamp – Brownish tulip with white base

5774 - (63c) Tulip Blossoms serpentine die cut 10¾ vert. coil stamp – Pink tulip with white base

5775 - (63c) Tulip Blossoms serpentine die cut 10¾ vert. coil stamp – Pink tulip with yellowish background

5776 - (63c) Tulip Blossoms serpentine die cut 10¾ vert. coil stamp – White tulip with purplish base

a. Horiz. strip of 10, #5767-5776

Plate number strips are listed in strips of 10 (one of each stamp) and 17 (containing #5770-5772 and two each #5767-5769, 5773-5776.

5777 - (63c) Tulip Blossoms serpentine die cut 10¾x11 on 2 or 3 sides booklet stamp – Brownish tulip with white base

5778 - (63c) Tulip Blossoms serpentine die cut 10¾x11 on 2 or 3 sides booklet stamp – Pink tulip with yellowish base

5779 - (63c) Tulip Blossoms serpentine die cut 10¾x11 on 2 or 3 sides booklet stamp – Pink tulip with white base

5780 - (63c) Tulip Blossoms serpentine die cut 10¾x11 on 2 or 3 sides booklet stamp – Orange and red tulip

5781 - (63c) Tulip Blossoms serpentine die cut 10¾x11 on 2 or 3 sides booklet stamp – Purple tulip with white base

5782 - (63c) Tulip Blossoms serpentine die cut 10¾x11 on 2 or 3 sides booklet stamp – Lilac tulip

5783 - (63c) Tulip Blossoms serpentine die cut 10¾x11 on 2 or 3 sides booklet stamp – Pink and orange tulip

5784 - (63c) Tulip Blossoms serpentine die cut 10¾x11 on 2 or 3 sides booklet stamp – Dark purple tulip

5785 - (63c) Tulip Blossoms serpentine die cut 10¾x11 on 2 or 3 sides booklet stamp – White tulip with purplish base

5786 - (63c) Tulip Blossoms serpentine die cut 10¾x11 on 2 or 3 sides booklet stamp – Pink tulip with white background

a. Block of 10, #5777-5786

b. Convertible booklet pane of 20, 2 each #5777-5786


Double-Sided Booklet of 20 (10 designs)


Banknote Corporation of America


First Class Mail Forever

U.S. Flag 2023

Issue Date:

April 10, 2023

Place of Issue:

Freedom, ME

Scott #:

5787 - (63c) Flag and “Freedom,” serpentine die cut 11¼x10¾ sheet stamp, with microprinted “USPS” at right of lowest flag stripe (Banknote printing)

5788 - (63c) Flag and “Freedom,” serpentine die cut 9½ vert. coil stamp, with microprinted “USPS” below lower left corner of flag field (Ashton-Potter print)

5789 - (63c) Flag and “Freedom,” serpentine die cut 10¾ coil stamp, with microprinted “USPS” at right of lowest flag stripe, stamps not adjacent on roll (Banknote printing)

5789A - Serpentine die cut 11, stamps adjacent on roll (Banknote printing)

5790 - (63c) Flag and “Freedom,” serpentine die cut 11¼x10¾ on 2 or 3 sides booklet stamp, with microprinted “USPS” below lower left corner of flag field (Ashton-Potter print)

a. Convertible booklet pane of 20

5791 - (63c) Flag and “Freedom,” serpentine die cut 11¼x10¾ on 2 or 3 sides booklet stamp, with microprinted “USPS” at right of lowest flag stripe (Banknote printing)

a. Convertible booklet pane of 20


Pane of 20 (1 Design)


Banknote Corporation of America


First Class Mail Forever

Roy Lichtenstein

Issue Date:

April 24, 2023

Place of Issue:

New York, NY

Scott #:

5792 - (63c) Paintings by Roy Lichtenstein – Standing Explosion (Red), 1965

a. Imperforate

5793 - (63c) Paintings by Roy Lichtenstein – Modern Painting I, 1966

a. Imperforate

5794 - (63c) Paintings by Roy Lichtenstein – Still Life with Crystal Bowl, 1972

a. Imperforate

5795 - (63c) Paintings by Roy Lichtenstein – Still Life with Goldfish, 1972

a. Imperforate

5796 - (63c) Paintings by Roy Lichtenstein – Portrait of a Woman, 1979

a. Imperforate

b. Horiz. strip of 5, #5792-5796

c. Imperforate horiz. strip of 5, #5792a-5796a


Pane of 20 (5 designs)


Banknote Corporation of America


First Class Mail Forever

Tomie dePaola

Issue Date:

May 5, 2023

Place of Issue:

Manchester, NH

Scott #:

5797 - (63c) Tomie dePaola

a. Imperforate


Pane of 20 (1 design)


Ashton Potter (USA) Ltd (APU)


First Class Mail Forever

Chief Standing Bear

Issue Date:

May 12, 2023

Place of Issue:

Lincoln, NE

Scott #:


5798a. imperforate


Pane of 20 (1 design)


Ashton Potter (USA) Ltd (APU)


First Class Mail Forever

Endangered Species

Issue Date:

May 19, 2023

Place of Issue:

Wall, SD

Scott #:

5799 Endangered Species pane of 20

a. Laysan teal

b. Black-footed ferret

c. Roanoke logperch

d. Thick-billed parrot

e. Candy darter

f.  Florida panther

g. Masked bobwhite quail

h. Key Largo cotton mouse

i. Lower Keys marsh rabbit

j. Wyoming toad

k. Vancouver Island marmot

l. Golden-cheeked warbler

m. Guam Micronesian kingfisher

n. San Francisco garter snake

o. Mexican gray wolf

p. Attwater’s prairie chicken

q. Nashville crayfish

r. Piping plover

s. Desert bighorn sheep

t. Mississippi sandhill crane

u. As No. 5799, imperforate

v. As No. 5799a, imperforate

w. As No. 5799b, imperforate

x. As No. 5799c, imperforate

y. As No. 5799d, imperforate

z. As No. 5799e, imperforate

aa. As No. 5799f, imperforate

ab. As No. 5799g, imperforate

ac. As No. 5799h, imperforate

ad. As No. 5799i, imperforate

ae. As No. 5799j, imperforate

af. As No. 5799k, imperforate

ag. As No. 5799l, imperforate

ah. As No. 5799m, imperforate

ai. As No. 5799n, imperforate

aj. As No. 5799o, imperforate

ak. As No. 5799p, imperforate

al. As No. 5799q, imperforate

am. As No. 5799r, imperforate

an. As No. 5799s, imperforate

ao. As No. 5799t, imperforate


Pane of 20 (20 designs)


Banknote Corporation of America


First Class Mail Forever


Issue Date:

June 13, 2023

Place of Issue:

Yellowstone National Park, WY

Scott #:

5800 Waterfalls pane of 12

a. Deer Creek Falls, AZ

b. Nevada Fall, CA

c. Harrison Wright Falls, PA

d. Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River, WY

e. Waimoku Falls, HI

f. Stewart Falls, UT

g. Niagara Falls, NY

h. Dark Hollow Falls, VA

i. Grotto Falls, TN

j. Sunbeam Falls, WA

k. LaSalle Canyon Waterfall, IL

l. Upper Falls, NC

m. As No. 5800, imperforate

n. As No. 5800a, imperforate

o. As No. 5800b, imperforate

p. As No. 5800c, imperforate

q. As No. 5800d, imperforate

r. As No. 5800e, imperforate

s. As No. 5800f, imperforate

t. As No. 5800g, imperforate

u. As No. 5800h, imperforate

v. As No. 5800i, imperforate

w. As No. 5800j, imperforate

x. As No. 5800k, imperforate

y. As No. 5800l, imperforate


Pane of 12 (12 designs)


Ashton Potter (USA) Ltd (APU)


First Class Mail Forever

Northern Cardinal (Stamped Envelope)

Issue Date:

July 9, 2023

Place of Issue:

Bird City, KS

Scott #:



#9 Regular Security Envelope


Ashton Potter (USA) Ltd (APU)


First Class Stamped Envelope (Forever)

John Lewis

Issue Date:

July 21, 2023

Place of Issue:

Atlanta, GA

Scott #:


5801a - imperforate


Pane of 15


Ashton Potter (USA) Ltd (APU)


First-Class Mail Forever

Life Magnified

Issue Date:

August 10, 2023

Place of Issue:

Cleveland, OH

Scott #:

5802 - Life Magnified pane of 20

a. Red blood cells

b. Macaw parrot feather

c. Human hair

d. Moss leaves

e. Arranged diatoms

f. Freshwater protozoans

g. Acorn barnacle

h. Moth antenna

i. Diving beetle front foot

j. Mouse brain neurons

k. Starling bone tissue

l. Moth wing scales

m. Zebrafish

n. Mushroom gills

o. Freshwater snail tongue

p. Blue button organism

q. Mold spores

r. Barnacle legs

s. Flame lily pollen

t.  Oak leaf surface

u.  As No. 5802, imperforate

v.  As No. 5802a, imperforate

w. As No. 5802b, imperforate

x. As No. 5802c, imperforate

y. As No. 5802d, imperforate

z. As No. 5802e, imperforate

aa. As No. 5802f, imperforate

ab. As No. 5802g, imperforate

ac. As No. 5802h, imperforate

ad. As No. 5802i, imperforate

ae. As No. 5802j, imperforate

af. As No. 5802k, imperforate

ag. As No. 5802l, imperforate

ah. As No. 5802m, imperforate

ai. As No. 5802n, imperforate

aj. As No. 5802o, imperforate

ak. As No. 5802p, imperforate

al. As No. 5802q, imperforate

am. As No. 5802r, imperforate

an. As No. 5802s, imperforate

ao. As No. 5802t, imperforate


Panes of 20


Banknote Corporation of America


First-Class Mail Forever

Thinking of You

Issue Date:

August 11, 2023

Place of Issue:

Cleveland, OH

Scott #:

5803 - Butterfly, Flower, Dog, Slice of Birthday Cake

a. Imperforate

5804 - Sun, Flower, Horseshoe, Hand Holding Dandelion

a. Imperforate

5805 - Leaf, Flower Bouquet, Bandage, Birthday Party Hat, Ice Cream Cone

a. Imperforate

5806 - Rainbow, Ice Cream Bar, Four-leaf Clover, Cat, Cupcake and Candle

a. Imperforate

5807 - Hand with Raised Thumb, Party Balloons, “XOOX,{ Cup of Tea

a. Imperforate

b. Horiz. strip of 5, #5803-5807

c. Imperforate strip of 5, #5803a-5807a


Panes of 20


Banknote Corporation of America


First-Class Mail Forever


Issue Date:

August 24, 2023

Place of Issue:

Portland, CT

Scott #:

5808 - Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge (25c)

5809 - Skydance Bridge (25c)

5810 - Iowa-Illinois Memorial Bridge (25c)

5811 - Arrigoni Bridge (25c)

a. Horizontal coil strip of 4, 5808-5811


coils of 3,000 and 10,000


Presorted First-Class Mail



Issue Date:

September 8, 2023

Place of Issue:

Roswell, NM

Scott #:

5812 - (66c) Piñatas – Donkey piñata facing left

5813 - (66c) Piñatas – Star piñata with purple background

5814 - (66c) Piñatas – Star piñata with green background

5815 - (66c) Piñatas – Donkey piñata facing right

a. Block of 4, #5812-5815

b. Convertible booklet pane of 20, 5 each #5612-5615


Double-Sided Booklet of 20 (4 designs)


Ashton Potter (USA) Ltd (APU)


First-Class Mail Forever

Snow Globes


Issue Date:

September 19, 2023

Place of Issue:

Breckenridge, CO

Scott #:

5816 - (66c) Christmas – Snowman in snow globe

5817 - (66c) Christmas – Santa Claus in snow globe

5818 - (66c) Christmas – Reindeer in snow globe

5819 - (66c) Christmas – Christmas tree in snow globe

a. Block of 4, #5816-5819

b. Convertible booklet pane of 20, 5 each #5616-5619


Double-Sided Booklet of 20 (4 designs)


Ashton Potter (USA) Ltd (APU)


First-Class Mail Forever



Issue Date:

September 22, 2023

Place of Issue:

Salt Lake City, UT

Scott #:

5820 - (66c) OSIRIS-REx Probe

a. Imperforate


Pane of 20 (1 design)


Ashton Potter (USA) Ltd (UPA)


First-Class Mail Forever

Ruth Bader Ginsburg


Issue Date:

October 2, 2023

Place of Issue:

Washington, D.C.

Scott #:

5821 - (66c) Ruth Bader Ginsburg

a. Imperforate


Pane of 20 (1 design)


Banknote Corporation of America


First-Class Mail Forever

Winter Woodland Animals


Issue Date:

October 10, 2023

Place of Issue:

Woodland, MI

Scott #:

5822 - (66c) Winter Woodland Animals – Deer

5823 - (66c) Winter Woodland Animals – Rabbit

5824 - (66c) Winter Woodland Animals – Owl

5825 - (66c) Winter Woodland Animals – Fox

a. Block of 4, #5822-5825

b. Convertible booklet pane of 20, 5 each #5622-5625


Double-sided Booklet of 20 (4 designs)


Banknote Corporation of America


First-Class Mail Forever

HB Philatelics

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