A survey shows most respondents want to see more virtual stamp shows in the future.
The survey was conducted of registrants, after the Virtual Stamp Show, held from August 17-22. All 3,097 registrants of the show were emailed a survey and 529 responded.
80.67% of the respondents said they were extremely likely, or very likely to attend another Virtual Stamp Show.
Comments included:
"It was nice to be able to view the exhibits at my leisure and in more detail than in person. This is especially true for the elderly such as myself, standing for a long time would be problematic. I wish virtual exhibits will continue even after the pandemic ends. Thank you so much for giving the philatelists around the world a chance to view this wonderful and extremely well organized exhibition." "For something put together so quickly, it was fantastic! I was also very happy that so many people who normally can't attend physical shows were able to participate. The show website was easy to use and the profile/message system was a nice addition that could have more potential in the future." "I would like to see the development of a school of online exhibiting which thinks wholly differently about exhibiting online. Which breaks free, that is, of the notion of simply re-presenting the paper-in-frame exhibit, page-by-page, online. Which lays out exhibits in formats designed deliberately for online presentation." "I had a great experience at Virtual Stamp Show. The only good thing to come out of my COVID experience. A great way to re-focus on philately. I found myself watching presentations about topics in which I really had little or no interest BUT enjoying them and learning from them and perhaps finding new interests. My appreciation to all who made it possible."
"It was nice to be able to view the exhibits at my leisure and in more detail than in person. This is especially true for the elderly such as myself, standing for a long time would be problematic. I wish virtual exhibits will continue even after the pandemic ends. Thank you so much for giving the philatelists around the world a chance to view this wonderful and extremely well organized exhibition."
"For something put together so quickly, it was fantastic! I was also very happy that so many people who normally can't attend physical shows were able to participate. The show website was easy to use and the profile/message system was a nice addition that could have more potential in the future."
"I would like to see the development of a school of online exhibiting which thinks wholly differently about exhibiting online. Which breaks free, that is, of the notion of simply re-presenting the paper-in-frame exhibit, page-by-page, online. Which lays out exhibits in formats designed deliberately for online presentation."
"I had a great experience at Virtual Stamp Show. The only good thing to come out of my COVID experience. A great way to re-focus on philately. I found myself watching presentations about topics in which I really had little or no interest BUT enjoying them and learning from them and perhaps finding new interests. My appreciation to all who made it possible."
Most respondents evaluated the show quality as excellent or good.
"The show was very well put together. Was disappointed in person show was cancelled but on the plus this virtual option should be made available in some form even when in person shows resume to expose as many people as possible to our hobby."
A majority of respondents said the program met their expectations.
"Excellent, Outstanding, A Wonderful, educational,and interesting show. The APS team came through and provided an excellent show of highest quality. We attended nine or ten of the presentations and found every one worthwhile."
Some respondents had concerns and suggestions:
We take your feedback seriously and will look to enhance and improve the American Philatelic Society's next virtual show.
Tom Loebig
Tom Loebig is the former Editor-in-Chief of The American Philatelist.
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