1. Ackerman, Ernest R. (inducted 2000)
  2. Alexander, Robert P. (inducted 1986)
  3. Alexander, Thomas J. (inducted 2019)
  4. Apfelbaum, Earl Panero Lopez (inducted 2014)
  5. Ashbrook, Stanley Bryan (inducted 1959)
  6. August, Leo (inducted 1998)
  7. Bacon, Edward Denny (inducted 1972)
  8. Barkhausen, Louis Henry (inducted 1963)
  9. Barnum, W. Hamilton (inducted 1942)
  10. Barr, Hugh C. (inducted 1963)
  11. Barr, Jeremiah Hess (inducted 1955)
  12. Barrett, Sidney F. (inducted 1958)
  13. Barry, Ralph Andrews (inducted 1941)
  14. Bartels, Julius (John) Murray (inducted 1946)
  15. Bauer, William H. (inducted 2011)
  16. Baxter, James H. (inducted 1996)
  17. Beal, James H. (inducted 1988)
  18. Berolzheimer, Daniel Deronda (inducted 1955)
  19. Berthelot, Lucien (inducted 1986)
  20. Bierman, Stanley Dr. (inducted 2023)
  21. Blaney, Dorothy B. (inducted 1999)
  22. Bloch, Herbert J. (inducted 1988)
  23. Boehret, Diane Dumble (inducted 2009)
  24. Boggs, Winthrop Smillie (inducted 1974)
  25. Boker, John Robert, Jr. (inducted 2004)
  26. Brandeberry, Robert B. (inducted 1990)
  27. Brazer, Clarence Wilson (inducted 1956)
  28. Brett, George Wendell (inducted 2006)
  29. Brookman, Lester George (inducted 1972)
  30. Brown, William Penn (inducted 2008)
  31. Bruns, Franklin R., Jr. (inducted 2005)
  32. Buser, Sophie (inducted 2020)


  1. Cabeen, Richard McPherren (inducted 1951)
  2. Caldwell, David D. (inducted 1953)
  3. Caspary, Alfred Henry (inducted 1977)
  4. Chaloner, Henry (inducted 1964)
  5. Chase, Carroll (inducted 1960)
  6. Chemi, James Mensinger (inducted 1977)
  7. Christian, Calvin Waters (inducted 1988)
  8. Clark, Hugh Massey (inducted 1957)
  9. Clark, Theresa Maria (inducted 1954)
  10. Clary, Joseph M. (inducted 1997)
  11. Cleland, William Wallace (inducted 2015)
  12. Cohn, Ernst Max (inducted 2006)
  13. Cole, Ezra Danolds (inducted 1993)
  14. Colson, Warren Howard (inducted 1983)
  15. Conrath, Walter J. (inducted 1942)
  16. Costales, Eugene N. (inducted 1985)
  17. Coster, Charles Henry (inducted 1999)
  18. Cratsenberg, Charles C. (inducted 1996)
  19. Crawford, Earl of (inducted 1941)
  20. Dadkhah, Mohamed (inducted 1983)
  21. Dale, Louise Boyd (inducted 1968)
  22. Davidson, Robert Laurenson Dasheill (inducted 1999)
  23. Davis, Holland Archer (inducted 1956)
  24. Deats, Hiram Edmund (inducted 1963)
  25. Denison, Ellery (inducted 1990)
  26. de Volpi, Charles P. (inducted 1982)
  27. DeVoss, Col. James T. (inducted 2009)
  28. Diena, Alberto (inducted 1978)
  29. Diena, Emilio (inducted 2006)
  30. Diena, Enzo (inducted 2001)
  31. Dietz, Sr., August A. (inducted 1964)
  32. Dillaway, Guy Dr. (inducted 2022)
  33. Doane, Percy Gray (inducted 1946)
  34. Domanski, Vincent, Jr (inducted 1968)
  35. dos Passos, Cyril Franklin (inducted 1989)
  36. Drossos, Pendelis J. (inducted 1997)
  37. Dubus, Leon (inducted 1982)


  1. Elliott, Howard H. (inducted 1964)
  2. Engstrom, Victor E. (inducted 2002)
  3. Erle, Everett C. (inducted 1991)
  4. Faries, C. Belmont (inducted 2001)
  5. Faulstich, Edith Margaret (inducted 1973)
  6. Flower, Rollin E. (inducted 1961)
  7. Fortgang, Morris (inducted 1961)
  8. Foxworth, John E., Jr (inducted 1999)
  9. Fricke, Charles A. (inducted 2018)
  10. Ganz, P. Felix (inducted 1992)
  11. Gatchell, Lloyd B. (inducted 1851)
  12. Gerrish, William Ewart (inducted 1981)
  13. Glass, Solomon (inducted 1974)
  14. Goodkind, Henry M. (inducted 1975)
  15. Goodwin, James C. (inducted 1954)
  16. Graham, Richard B. (inducted 2014)
  17. Greene, Vincent Graves (inducted 1989)
  18. Griffenhagen, George (inducted 2020)
  19. Hahn, Calvet Menger (inducted 2006)
  20. Hahn, Charless (inducted 2012)
  21. Hamilton, Charles S. (inducted 1969)
  22. Hargest, George E. (inducted 1984)
  23. Harmer, Bernard Bertram Durkin (inducted 2013)
  24. Harris, Frederic R. (inducted 1950)
  25. Harris, Henry Ellis (inducted 1979)
  26. Harrison, Horace White (inducted 2004)
  27. Hart, Creighton C. (inducted 1994)
  28. Haverbeck, Harrison Donald Seaman (inducted 1987)
  29. Hayes, Esper Dr. (inducted 2021)
  30. Healy, Reginald Stafford (Healy, Tim Captain) (inducted 2023)
  31. Heiman, Irwin M. (inducted 1978)
  32. Helbock, Richard W. (inducted 2016)
  33. Hennan, Clarence William (inducted 1956)
  34. Herst, Herman, Jr (inducted 2000)
  35. Hennig, Bernard A. (inducted 2015)
  36. Hicks, William Watkin (inducted 1967)
  37. Hill, Rowland (inducted 1941)
  38. Howes, Clifton Armstrong (inducted 1994)
  39. Hulme, W. Wilson II (inducted 2008)
  40. Hurt, Erik F. (inducted 1953)
  41. Husak, Jerome (inducted 2019)


  1. Ichida, Soichi (inducted 1987)
  2. Jennings, Clyde (inducted 2007)
  3. Jenson, Paul Hilmar (inducted 2007)
  4. Johl, Max G. (inducted 1957)
  5. Joyce, Morton Dean (inducted 2008)
  6. Kapiloff, Leonard (inducted 1994)
  7. Kehr, Ernest Anthony (inducted 1987)
  8. Keller, Peter G. inducted 1973)
  9. Kimble, Ralph Archibald (inducted 2004)
  10. King, Beverly Sedgwick (inducted 1941)
  11. Kissinger, Clifford Washington (inducted 1992)
  12. Klein, Eugene (inducted 1947)
  13. Knapp, Edward Spring (inducted 1941)
  14. Konwiser, Harry Myron (inducted 1961)
  15. Kronstein, Max (inducted 2015)
  16. Kugel, Alfred F. (inducted 2023)
  17. Lagerloef, Benjamin Hans (inducted 2003)
  18. Lane, Maryette Brown (inducted 2009)
  19. Leavy, Joseph Britton (inducted 1995)
  20. Legrand, Jacques Amable (inducted 2001)
  21. Lichtenstein, Alfred F. (inducted 1948)
  22. Lidman, David Louis (inducted 1983)
  23. Lindquist, Harry L. (inducted 1979)
  24. Lindsay, James Ludovic (inducted 1941)
  25. Linn, George Ward (inducted 1967)
  26. Lowe, Robson (inducted 1998)
  27. Luff, John Nicholas (inducted 1941)
  28. Lybarger, Donald Fisher (inducted 1971)


  1. MacBride, F. Van Dyk (inducted 1962)
  2. Manning, Catherine Lemmon (inducted 1990)
  3. Martin, Donald W. (inducted 1952)
  4. Martin, George Maybee (inducted 1995)
  5. Markovits, Robert (inducted 2017)
  6. Mason, Edward Haven (inducted 1949)
  7. Matejka, James J., Jr (inducted 1981)
  8. McCoy, Ethel Bergstresser (inducted 1981)
  9. McCoy, Walter R. (inducted 1952)
  10. McDonald, Susan Marshall (inducted 1993)
  11. Mekeel, Charles Haviland (inducted 1972)
  12. Mellone, Michael (inducted 2019)
  13. Melville, Frederick John (inducted 1941)
  14. Meyer, Henry Albert (inducted 1969)
  15. Miller, William Hubert, Jr (inducted 1989)
  16. Minkus, Jacques (inducted 1997)
  17. Mitsui, Takaharu (inducted 1984)
  18. Morgenthau, Julius Caesar (inducted 1978)
  19. Morison, Gordon (inducted 2022)
  20. Mueller, Barbara (inducted 2017)
  21. Müller (Mueller), Edwin (inducted 1974)
  22. Munk, Dr. Herbert (inducted 2005)
  23. Neinken, Mortimer L. (inducted 1985)
  24. Nettles, Elizabeth Dr. (inducted 2021)
  25. Newbury, Saul (inducted 1950)
  26. Norona, Delf (inducted 1975)
  27. Owens, Mary Ann Aspinwall (inducted 2006)
  28. Pack, Charles Lathrop (inducted 1941)
  29. Pelander, Carl Einar (inducted 1966)
  30. Pemberton, Edward Loines (inducted 2002)
  31. Perry, Elliott (inducted 1973)
  32. Peterson, Charles John (inducted 2010)
  33. Phillips, Charles James (inducted 1941)
  34. Stanley Piller (inducted 2022)
  35. Poole, Bertram William Henry (inducted 1993)
  36. Pope, Elizabeth (inducted 2021)
  37. Purves, James Richard William (inducted 1980)


  1. Ragatz, Lowell Joseph (inducted 1979)
  2. Rapkin, Franceska (inducted 2003)
  3. Rapkin, Leon Vincent (inducted 1992)
  4. Rich, Stephen Gottheil (inducted 1959)
  5. Richards, Charles Foster (inducted 1945)
  6. Ricketts, William Reynolds (inducted 1988)
  7. Risueño, Manuel Ma. (inducted 1976)
  8. Robbins, Louis K. (inducted 2012)
  9. Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (inducted 1945)
  10. Salisbury, Gregory B. (inducted 1969)
  11. Sanabria, Nicolas (inducted 1951)
  12. Schatzkés, Joseph (inducted 1985)
  13. Schiff, Jacques C. (inducted 2018)
  14. Schimmer, Karl Heinz (inducted 2011)
  15. Schnell, Roger Glenn (inducted 2013)
  16. Scott, John Walter (inducted 1941)
  17. Sellers, Frederick Burton “Bud” (inducted 2012)
  18. Severn, Charles Esterly (inducted 1941)
  19. Severn, Eveleen Mary Welden (inducted 1942)
  20. Seymour, James Benjamin (inducted 1951)
  21. Siegel, Robert A. (inducted 1994)
  22. Silver, Philip (inducted 2002)
  23. Skinner, Hubert Clayton (inducted 2010)
  24. Sloane, George Benedict (inducted 1962)
  25. Southgate, Hugh McLellan (inducted 1941)
  26. Spellman, Francis Cardinal (inducted 1968)
  27. Starnes, Charles J. (inducted 1995)
  28. Starr, James (inducted 1949)
  29. Steeg, Adolph (inducted 1960)
  30. Steinway, Theodore E. (inducted 1958)
  31. Sterling, Edward Boker (inducted 1997)
  32. Stone, Lauson H. (inducted 2005)
  33. Stone, Robert Granville (inducted 2003)
  34. Stone, William Carlos (inducted 1947)
  35. Scott, Walter Stone (inducted 1950)
  36. Stowell, Sr., John W. (inducted 1957)
  37. Straight, David Lee (inducted 2014)
  38. Strandell, Nils Vilhelm (inducted 2005)
  39. Stryker, S. Kellog (inducted 1990)
  40. Sundman, Maynard (inducted 2016)


  1. Tapling, Thomas Keay (inducted 1941)
  2. Thompson, Richard H. (inducted 1986)
  3. Thorp, Prescott Holden (inducted 1989)
  4. Tiffany, John Kerr (inducted 1941)
  5. Tinsley, Walton Eugene (inducted 2001)
  6. Toaspern, Herman (inducted 2013)
  7. Torrey, Gordon H. (inducted 1996)
  8. Tower, William Hogarth (inducted 1951)
  9. Towle, Charles L. (inducted 1991)
  10. Triggle, Ann (inducted 2020)
  11. Turner, George Townsend (inducted 1980)
  12. Tyler, Varro Eugene (inducted 2003)
  13. Van Dahl, Al (inducted 1954)
  14. Vooys, Daniel W. (inducted 1980)
  15. Ward, Philip Henry, Jr (inducted 1966)
  16. Warm-Griffiths, Lynne S. (inducted 1991)
  17. Weatherly, Andrew Earl (inducted 1984)
  18. Weill, Raymond Henry (inducted 2004)
  19. Weill, Roger G. (inducted 1992)
  20. Weinberg, Irwin (inducted 2017)
  21. Weiss, Harry (inducted 1967)
  22. Weiss, William R. (inducted 2018)
  23. Welch, William Lee Jr. (inducted 2011)
  24. Williams, Leon Norman (inducted 2000)
  25. Wilson, John Mitchell Harvey (inducted 1976)
  26. Winick, Lester E. (inducted 2016)
  27. Wolsieffer, Philip Mathias (inducted 1941)
  28. Wylie, Willard Otis (inducted 1945)
  29. Yort, Svend (inducted 1982)



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