Included herein are the definitions of abbreviations and acronyms used in the biographies. Also, information is included about the philatelic awards and medals mentioned in the text.

Abbreviations and Acronyms
Major Philatelic Awards
U.S. Philatelic Exhibitions

Abbreviations and Acronyms

APThe American Philatelist. Monthly publication of the APS.

APA — American Philatelic Association. Initial name of what is now the American Philatelic Society. The APA was organized in 1886. The name change took place in 1908 at the APA convention in Columbus, Ohio.

APRL — The American Philatelic Research Library. Co-located with the APS headquarters in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania.

APS — The American Philatelic Society. See APA.

ASDAThe American Stamp Dealers Association

Bart. — Abbreviation for British title of Baronet.

CCNYCollectors Club of New York. Located in New York City

FIP — The Fédération Internationale de Philatélie — (International
Federation of Philately). Headquarters are in Zürich, Switzerland. The FIP was founded on June, 18 1926 in Paris, and has organized nearly all the international philatelic exhibitions held since then.

K.C.B. — Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath.

K.C.V.O. — Knight Commander of the Victorian Order.

K.T. — Knight of the Thistle.

RDP — Roll of Distinguished Philatelists. Established in 1921 by the Philatelic Congress of Great Britain. Forty prominent philatelists were in the original group who signed the Roll that first year. In addition, names of 42 deceased philatelists were entered on the Roll as “Fathers of Philately.”

RPSLRoyal Philatelic Society London. Established in 1869 as The Philatelic Society, London. It received a Royal Charter in 1906 from King Edward VII and became known as the Royal Philatelic Society, London. In 1924 King George V granted the Society permission to use the Royal Arms on its stationery and publications. The name has been written without the comma since June 1996.

Major Philatelic Awards

Crawford Medal — Established by the RPSL in 1914. It is awarded nearly every year for “the most valuable and original contribution to the study and knowledge of philately published in book form during the two years preceding the award.” It is named in honor of the Earl of Crawford.

Lichtenstein Award — The Alfred F. Lichtenstein Memorial Award is presented annually "for distinguished service to philately" by the Collectors Club of New York. It was first awarded in 1952, and was named in honor of Alfred F. Lichtenstein.

Lindenberg Medaille — Presented by the Berliner Philatelisten-Klub von 1888 in recognition of scientific investigation in philately and contributions to philatelic literature. The award honors Carl Lindenberg who was a founder and the first president of the Club. It was first awarded in 1906, and before World War I it was considered the highest prize in philately. Awarded from 1906 to 1914; it was not given again until 1920. It was presented most years until 1943, when it was discontinued. It was reinstated once again in 1981.

Luff Award — Established in 1940 by the American Philatelic Society and named in honor of John N. Luff. The award is made annually in three categories: Distinguished Philatelic Research; Exceptional Contributions to Philately; Outstanding Service to the Society.

Neinken Medal — Established in 1981 and presented annually for “Meritorious Service to Philately”. It was renamed the Mortimer L. Neinken Medal in 1984 after his death. Except for 1995-1997, presented annually to a Philatelic Foundation member.

Newbury Award — Presented by the Chicago Philatelic Society. Established in 1945 to honor Saul Newbury. Presented annually (with few exceptions) to “to the Chicagoan who, over the years has contributed most to philately.”

Major U.S. Philatelic Exhibitions

International philatelic exhibitions held in the United States

1913 — New York, NY, October 27 – November 1, 1913

1926 — New York, NY, October 16–23, 1926

TIPEX — Third International Philatelic Exhibition, New York, NY, May 9–17, 1936

CIPEX — Centenary International Philatelic Exhibition, New York, NY, May 17–25, 1947

FIPEX — Fifth International Philatelic Exhibition, New York, NY, April 28–May 6, 1956

SIPEX — Sixth International Philatelic Exhibition, Washington, DC, May 21–30, 1966

INTERPHIL 76 — Philadelphia, PA, May 29–June 6, 1976

AMERIPEX 86 — Chicago, IL, May 22–June 1, 1986

PACIFIC 97 — San Francisco, CA, May 29–June 8, 1997

Washington 2006 — Washington D.C.,  May 27-June 3, 2006


National U.S. Stamp Exhibitions cited in the biographies

BALPEXBaltimore Philatelic Exhibition; held in Baltimore, MD, or vicinity, by the Baltimore Philatelic Society. Usually in early September (Labor Day weekend).

NAPEXNational Philatelic Exhibition; held in Washington DC or vicinity,  usually in late May or early June.

PIPEX — Pacific International Philatelic Exhibition; organized by the Northwest Federation of Stamp Clubs and held at a Canadian or U.S. city in the Pacific Northwest, usually in May.

PNSEPhiladelphia National Stamp Exhibition; held in the Philadelphia, PA. area, under the auspices of The Associated Stamp Club of Southeastern Pennsylvania and Delaware. From 1938 to 1991, the exhibition was called SEPAD.

SEPAD — The philatelic exhibition held in the Philadelphia, PA area from 1938 to 1991, now called PNSE (Philadelphia National Stamp Exhibition).

SESCALStamp Exhibition of Southern California; held in Los Angeles, CA, in early October.

SOJEX — South Jersey Philatelic Exhibition; held from 1936 to 1977 usually in the Spring initially in Trenton, NY, and later in Atlantic City, NJ.

WESTPEXWestern Philatelic Exhibition; held in San Francisco, CA, in late April or early May.

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