Gifts of all sizes are greatly appreciated with additional recognition available for gifts of $2,500 or more which may be given over as many as five years. Below are currently identified naming opportunities. However, we are glad to work with donors to try to find opportunities that match their interests and financial potential.
Building & Grounds Naming Opportunities
Library Naming Opportunities
Programs, Sponsorships and Awards
National Stamp Collecting Month Ideas - get the word out in your community - here's a list of ideas that you can use for October's National Stamp Collecting month or other times as well.
Stamp Collecting Month Posters - here's a compilation of fun 8 1/2 x 11 inch size posters that you can print and post in local establishments.
Presentations can be downloaded and projected at meetings:
Stamp Collecting Presentation for Senior Living Community (PowerPoint) Customize and use this presentation at an upcoming senior living meeting!
Genealogical Philately Presentation (PowerPoint) For presentation to genealogical and historic societies.
Beginner Presentation (PowerPoint) Use this presentation to review the basics of stamp collecting.
Do you know a group of beginners or is your club hosting a show where you would like to offer something for beginners? Host Your Own Stamp Collecting 101 Workshop - we've made it easy by providing this instruction guide (.pdf).
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