The APRL has one of the world's largest and most accessible collections of philatelic literature. Its nearly four miles of shelving contains more than 23,000 book titles and 5,700 journal titles, and we are always adding to the collection. Read on to learn about the new resources that arrived in September which are now available to you as part of the APRL collection.
These resources below became part of the library's holdings in September and are now available to be borrowed either in-person or by mail, but only by APS members. If you are not already a member, consider joining the the APS for this one-of-a-kind member benefit. To learn more about borrowing items from the APRL collection, contact the library at
J.W. Scott & Company. Leavitt, Strebeigh, & Co. [auction house] (New York, NY: J.W. Scott & Co. Book Printers, 1870). [AUCTION Leavitt Strebeigh]
Markenhaus Morgenbesser. Markenhaus Morgenbesser (Frankfurt am Main: Markenhaus Morgenbesser, 1949). [AUCTION Morgenbesser]
Adams, Pat; Totten, Alan; Williams, Peter. Spitzbergen Cruise Mail 1890-1914 (Winchester, England: Scandinavia Philatelic Society, 2006). [G6943 .S9 A211s 2006]
Armando Barroso, Luis. Catálogo das Perfurações Postais Portuguesas (Lisbon, Portugal: Clube Filatélico de Portugal, 2015). [G6691 .P438 A727c 2015]
Brunström, Christer. DX-Philately (Halmstad, Sweden: Christer Brunström, 1980.). [HE6183 .T356 B899d 1980]
Bush, Conrad L.; Kimbrough John L. Collector's Guide to Confederate Philately Color Companion (Benbrook, TX: 2003). [G3860 .K49cc 2003]
Choi, Cheong-Too. Yang's Postage Stamp & Postal Stationery Catalogue of Macau (Hong Kong: Yang's Stamp & Coin Co., 1998). [G7945 .A1 Y22 1998]
Connolly, Sean P. The Women's Philatelic Society of New Haven and The New Haven Railroad Y.M.C.A. Stamp Club (Joseph P. Connolly and Sean P. Connolly, 2023). [G3784 .N48 C752w]
Cousins, Barry. Overprinted Stamps of Ireland 1922-1935: A Collector's Compendium (Malaysia: Barry Cousins, 2022). [G5781 .O96 C87o 2022]
Crompton, J. A Study of the 1893 Military Franchise Essays of New Caledonia and the New Hebrides (London, UK: Pacific Islands Study Circle, 2005). [G9341 .M642 C945s 2005]
Dev, K. Chaitanya; Mehra, Sushil. The Handbook of Permanent Pictorial Cancellations of India (Bengaluru, India: Pan India Postal Pictorial Place Cancellations Facebook Group, 2022). [G7651 .P857 M498h 2022]
Dev, K. Chaitanya; Mehra, Sushil. Exemplified Philatelic Terms (Bengaluru, India: Pan India Postal Pictorial Place Cancellations Facebook Group, 2021). [HE6035 .M498e 2021]
Dev, K. Chaitanya; Mehra, Sushil. Jai Hind - The True Spirit of India With Analysis on Jai Hind Cancellation (Bengaluru, India: Sushil Mehra, 2021). [G7651 .P857 M498j 2021]
Dragoteanu, Mircea. Istori Poștelor Locale Transilvane (Cluj-Napoca, Romania: Editura Alma Mater, 2008). [G6881 .L811 D759i 2008]
Jimenez, Jose. Catálogo de estampillas del Paraguay (José Jiménez, 2021). [G5380 .A1 J614c 2021]
Jones, T.E. Aerogrammes of The Arabian Gulf: The Post Independence Issues (Accrington: T.E. Jones, 1994). [HE6238 .J79ap 1994]
Jones, T.E. Aerogrammes of The Arabian Gulf: The Post Independence Issues (Accrington: T.E. Jones, 1998). [HE6238 .J79ap 1998]
Kotadia, Surendra. Indian Inland Letter Cards Advertisements & Slogans (Mumbai, India: Surendra Kotadia, 1999). [G7651 .P860 K87iL]
Morenweiser, Konrad. Zivilzensur in Britisch Indien 1939 bis 1945 (Wiesbaden, West Germany: Forschungsgemeinschaft Indien e.V., 1982). [G7651 .C396 M843z 1982]
Osborne, Bernard. Isle of Man, The Postal History of 20th Century Internment Mail (Isle of Man Postal History Society, 2015). [G5801 .P959 O814i 2015]
Philatelia. Phila India 2000 Colour Catalog Indian Philately (1852-1998) (Calcutta, India: Philatelia, 1999). [G7650 .A1 P544 2000]
Samuel, R.D. New Zealand Postal Stationery Catalogue (Christchurch, N.Z.: Shades Stamp Publications, 1983). [G9081 .P860 S193n 1983]
Smith, Susan N. The Winton M. Blount Postal History Symposia Select Papers from The Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Symposia (Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, 2020). [HE6041 .W56 2020]
Spathis, George. "Hermes" 2002 Stamps of Greece 1861-2001 and Postal History (Athens: Philatelic Hermes Ltd., 2001). [G6810 .A1 P544h 2002]
Thy, Peter. Air letter cards and aerogrammes of Bechuanaland and Botswana: A Philatelic Exhibit (Silver Springs, MD: Exhibitors Press, 2023). [HE6238 .T549a 2023 EXHIBIT]
Toth, George. Hypnostamp Uncovering the Healing Power of Postage Stamps (George Toth, 2022). [HE6213 .T717h 2022]
Vlastos-Sitarenios, Maria; Sitarenios, Costas. Vlastos Cyprus 2012 (Halandri, Athens: Orestes Vlastos Ltd., 2012). [G7450 .A1 V867 2012]
Wenger, Kenneth R. John F. Kennedy Memorial Stamp Issues of The World, Part II (Fort Lee, NJ: K.R. Wenger, 1975). [HE6183 .K35 W474j pt.2 1975]
BNAPS Newfoundland Study Group. BNAPS Newfoundland Study Group News (Stouffville, ON: Newfoundland Study Group of BNAPS, 2022-). [APRL Server]
Ryan, Christopher D. Catalogue of the Federal Tobacco Stamps of Canada (Toronto, Canada: Christopher D. Ryan, 2021). [APRL Server]
Briefmarkensammlerverein e.V. Speyer. BSV-Speyer Aktuell (Speyer, Germany: Briefmarkensammlerverein e.V. Speyer, 1998-1999). [JOURNAL BSV-Speyer aktuell]
International Federation of Maritime Philately. Revista do Clube Correio Maritimo (Amadora, Portugal: International Federation of Maritime Philately (I.F.M.P.), 1982-1992). [JOURNAL Revista do Clube Correio Maritimo]
Magyar Bélyeggyüjtök Országos Szövetsége. Philatelica (Budapest) (Budapest, Hungary: Magyar Bélyeggyüjtök Országos Szövetsége, 1971-1973). [JOURNAL Philatelica (Budapest)]
Simarro, Victor Augusto. Estampilha e Vintém Revista Portuguesa de Coleccionismo (Braga, Portugal: Victor Augusto Simarro, 1978-1982). [JOURNAL Estampilha e vintem]
Abacus Auctions. The Andrew Johnston Australia KGV Heads Collection 19 September 2023 (Mount Waverley, Victoria, Australia: Abacus Auctions, 2023). [NS Johnston, Andrew]
Cherrystone Philatelic Auctioneers. United States Stamps and Currency Featuring the Gerald Nylander Collection of Washington-Franklins August 22, 2023 (New York, NY: Cherrystone Philatelic Auctioneers, 2023). [NS Nylander, Gerald]
Cherrystone Philatelic Auctioneers. Carl A. Kilgas Collection, Part II, China August 23-24, 2023 (New York, NY: Cherrystone Philatelic Auctioneers, 2023). [NS Kilgas, Carl A. - China]
Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions. John Greenwood Collection of U.S. Imperforate "Error" Coils September 19, 2023 (Danbury, CT: Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, 2023). [NS Greenwood, John]
Heinrich Köhler. Deutsche Reichspost - Brustschildezeit, die Sammlung Michael Rehme (Teil I) 19 September 2023 (Wiesbaden: Heinrich Köhler, 2023). [NS Rehme, Michael - pt.1]
Heinrich Köhler. Deutschland 1849-2000, Bayern, Deutsches Reich, Deutsche Kolonien mit Besetzungsausgaben (G.R.I. und MAFIA), die Sammlung Erik B. Nagel (Teil II) 20 September 2023 (Wiesbaden: Heinrich Köhler, 2023). [NS Nagel, Erik B. - pt.2]
Heinrich Köhler. Freie Hansestadt Bremen, die Sammlung Karl-Hillard Geuther (Teil II) 22 September 2023 (Wiesbaden: Heinrich Köhler, 2023). [NS Geuther, Karl-Hillard - pt.2]
Heinrich Köhler. Helgoland, die Sammlung Dr. Hans Friedrich Hauser (Teil I) 22 September 2023 (Wiesbaden: Heinrich Köhler, 2023). [NS Hauser, Hans Friedrich - pt.1]
Heinrich Köhler. Die Lippischen Fürstentümer, Deutschland ab 1849, Europäische Länder. Die Sammlungen Gustav Strunk (Teil I) 22 September 2023 (Wiesbaden: Heinrich Köhler, 2023). [NS Strunk, Gustav - pt.1]
Heinrich Köhler. Ludwig van Beethoven, die Sammlung Yukio Onuma 22 September 2023 (Wiesbaden: Heinrich Köhler, 2023). [NS Onuma, Yukio]
Heinrich Köhler-Auktion. Altdeutsche Staaten 10. Auktion, Die Sammlung Erivan = German States, 10th auction, The Erivan collection 23 September 2023 (Zurich: Heinrich Köhler-Auktion, 2023). [NS Haub, Erivan - German States no.10]
Heinrich Köhler-Auktion. Summer Olympic Games, the Fredrik C. Schreuder Collection 18 September 2023 (Zurich: Heinrich Köhler-Auktion, 2023). [NS Schreuder, Fredrik C.]
Glen Ellyn Philatelic Club. Glenpex 84 Stamp Show (Hillside, IL: Glen Ellyn Philatelic Club, 1984). [US SHOW Glenpex]
International Stamp Collectors Society. Stamp Expo California (Anaheim, CA: International Stamp Collectors Society, 1980). [US SHOW Stamp Expo California]
International Stamp Collectors Society. Stamp Expo East (New York, NY: International Stamp Collectors Society, 1984). [US SHOW Stamp Expo East]
International Stamp Collectors Society. Stamp Expo West (Los Angeles, CA: International Stamp Collectors Society, 1984). [US SHOW Stamp Expo West]
Jack Knight Air Mail Society. Airpex (Brookfield, IL: Jack Knight Air Mail Society, 1950). [US SHOW Airpex]
Oklahoma Philatelic Society. Cover Collectors of America Annual Convention (Tulsa, OK: Oklahoma Philatelic Society, 1942). [US SHOW Cover Collectors of America]
Williamsport Stamp Club. Williamsport Stamp Club (Williamsport, PA: Williamsport Stamp Club, 1970-1976). [US SHOW Williamsport]
Yvert & Tellier. Catalogue De Timbres-Poste. Tome I, France, Emissions Generales des Colonies (Amiens, France: Yvert & Tellier, 2014). [CATALOGS Yvert & Tellier]