The St. Louis Stamp Expo held March 25-27 included meetings of the American Helvetia Philatelic Society, Missouri Postal History Society and Scandinavian Collectors Club. Matt Kewriga won the show multiframe grand for his exhibit “Danish West Indies Foreign Mail to UPU.” Vicki Hadley won the multiframe reserve grand for her “Kansas and Nebraska Overprints” exhibit. The single frame champion was Gary Hendren for “St. Louis Pioneer Airmail October 4-8, 1911.”
Left: Julie Spray, with Ralph Nafziger, receives a PIPEX service award on behalf of her late husband, Larry Spray. Right: George Struble received a service award at PIPEX.
The American Philatelic Society had its spring meeting at WESTPEX at the San Francisco Airport Marriott. In addition to the APS, WESTPEX hosted the Hawaiian Philatelic Society, the United Postal Stationery Society and the Western Cover Society.
Stephen McGill won the WESTPEX multiframe grand for “Britain’s Marvelous Machins.” The Collectors Club of San Francisco multiframe reserve grand award went to Michael Mahler for “California Gold Rush Revenues, Aristocrats of American Fiscal Philately.” Mahler also won the single frame grand for “Stamp Tax on Nevada Territory Stock Certificates: The 25¢ ‘Blaze of Glory’.”
Philatelic Show was held April 29 through May 1 in Boxborough, a suburb of Boston, and included meetings of the American Air Mail Society, the Canal Zone Study Group, the Metropolitan Air Post Society, New Hampshire Postal History Society, the United Nations Philatelists and a regional meeting of the American First Day Cover Society.
Left: Tony Wawrukiewicz received a service award at PIPEX. Right: Bill Seymour received a service award from the Northwest Philatelic Federation.
Vernon Morris took home the Philatelic Show multiframe grand for “Evolution and Impact of Blood’s Local Post, 1842 to 1862.” The multiframe reserve grand went to Murray Abramson for “Geographic Expansion of U.S. Airmail to Foreign Destinations (1922-1941).” Yamil Kouri won the single frame grand for “The 1855 Y¼ Surcharged Stamps of Cuba.” “The Beleaguered Mark – Keeping Pace with the German Inflation, 1919-1923” became the most recent Jeffrey Shapiro exhibit to win a show’s most popular award.
Across the country the same weekend as Philatelic Show, PIPEX was held at the Embassy Suites Portland Airport. PIPEX hosted the Germany Philatelic Society of the USA, the Pacific Northwest Postal History Society and the United States Stamp Society. Roger Brody won the multiframe grand for “Jamestown 1907.” The multiframe reserve grand went to Ralph Nafziger for “The 3¢ 1936 Oregon Territory Issue.” Robert Rufe won the single frame grand for “U.S. ‘Special’ Booklet Paper Printings of 1928.” The PIPEX People’s Choice (most popular) award went to Niko Courtelis for “The Ubiquitous Paper Stamp Perforation Gauge.”
In addition to the exhibiting awards, a Northwest Philatelic Federation Award and four PIPEX service awards were announced at the show banquet. Bill Seymour received the federation’s award for his service to both PIPEX and SEAPEX. Bill’s computer skills allowed both World Series events to hold virtual exhibitions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The first PIPEX service award went to Larry Spray. Larry was co-chair of PIPEX the last time it was held as a regional show and was part of the original PIPEX organizing committee to bring the show to Portland every year. For PIPEX 2012, Larry and Michael Dixon prepared the show layout, and Larry took on the responsibility of recruiting dealers for the show. He recruited dealers all year round, including attending WESTPEX to convince dealers to take space at PIPEX. Unfortunately, Larry passed away prior to this recognition and the award was accepted by his wife.
The second PIPEX service award went to Michael Dixon, who may be best known as president and board chairman of the Washington 2006 World Philatelic Exhibition. Michael began his philatelic career in England, where he served on the Council of the Royal Philatelic Society, London. After moving to Portland in 2008, he worked with the Northwest Federation of Stamp Clubs to develop the PIPEX World Series of Philately show. Michael served as chairman of the PIPEX organizing committee in 2012 and 2013. Michael also is well known for his entertaining exhibits of Upper and Lower Bongoland and sponsors the Larry Spray Encouragement Award of the Upper Bongoland Collectors Club.
Tony Wawrukiewicz, better known to many as “Tony W.,” received the third PIPEX service award. Most philatelists are familiar with Tony’s books. His books on postal rates are recognized as authoritative references. He has made the U.S. Postal Bulletins and Postal Laws and Regulations accessible to everyone via the web. He served as chairman of the PIPEX organizing committee from 2014 to 2018. An accomplished exhibitor and retired national judge, Tony continues to work for PIPEX as jury organizer, convening societies chairman, and PIPEX program compiler. He also authors monthly columns for Linn’s Stamp News and edits Auxiliary Markings for the Auxiliary Markings Club.
George Struble also received a PIPEX service award. Since his youth, George has maintained an interest in philately and has published numerous articles in many philatelic publications. He has a soft spot in his heart for Swiss postal history. His enthusiasm for philatelic exhibiting has led him to be the PIPEX exhibits chair for many years. While most stamp shows went dormant during the pandemic, George’s innovative ideas helped make PIPEX the first virtual stamp show in 2021, and his plans include making the 2023 PIPEX a hybrid show. George was also recently recognized with the creation of the “George Struble Award for Innovation in Exhibiting.”
Sometimes we don’t hear about deaths of our members immediately. Life member Fred Greene of Dallas, Texas, passed away in May 2021. Fred was part of a dwindling number of stamp columnists for newspapers, writing a stamp column for the Dallas Morning News for many years. He also founded the Collectors Club of Dallas and was a part owner of the GreenPeach stamp store.
Lesser known nationally, Joe Chervenyak passed away in April 2021. Joe was active in and served on the board of the Westfield, New Jersey stamp club. His collecting interests included errors, freaks and oddities and plate number coils. APS staff probably best remember him for his help as a volunteer at APS StampShow 2002 in Atlantic City where he brought doughnuts to the staff each morning.
Michael Dixon received a service award at PIPEX.