The APRL has one of the world's largest and most accessible collections of philatelic literature. Its nearly four miles of shelving contains more than 23,000 book titles and 5,700 journal titles. Below is a list of new materials that have just arrived and are now available in the APRL collection. The location in the APRL collection of each listed item is denoted in the square parentheses [ ] following each citation.
Items listed below are available to be borrowed either in-person or remotely, but only by APS members. If you are not already a member, consider joining the the APS for this one-of-a-kind member benefit. To inquire more about borrowing items from the APRL collection, contact the library at
Alones, V.W.; Matuzas, C.; Barbatavichus, P.; Norton,W.E.; Doniela, V.; Zygas, J. Postage Stamps of Lithuania Price list supplement 1985 (New York, NY: Lithuanian Philatelic Society of New York, 1985). [G7050 .L766p Suppl. 1985]

Australia Post. Australia Post Stamp Printing Technical Details: January 1988 to June 1995 (Melbourne, Australia: Australia Post, 1995). [G8961 .P964 A938]
Bansal, S.P. Picture Postcards Issued by Indian Postal Circles (Firozabad, India: S.P. Bansal, 2022). [G7651 .P839 B219p 2022]

Cross, John K. Companhia de Moçambique: Cliché Flaws of the Elephant Issues (1895-1918) (n.l.: John K. Cross, 2022). [G8451 .E723 C951c 2022]
Cross, John K. Crown Issue Cliché Flaws of the Portuguese Colonies (n.l.: John K. Cross, 2022). [G6671 .E723 C951c 2022]

Ellis, Christopher. Red/Carmine, 1c Victoria Maple Leaf Issue, Advertising, Postal Stationery Cards: A Synthesis (Waterdown, ON: British North America Philatelic Society, 2023). [G3401 .P860 E471r 2023]
Frazer, Eric J. The Official Postal Labels of Australia (Chatswood, NSW, Australia: Cinderella Stamp Club of Australasia, 1991). [G8961 .S438 F848 1991]
Krogmann, Otto. Am Post, die Druckbilder der Schalterbogentypen, Band 1 Deutscher Druck (Hamburg, Germany: ArGE Am-Post, 1994). [G6081 .O15 K933a 1993]
Kuhlmann, Erich. Die Wiederaufnahme des Zivilen Postdienstes in der Britisch-Besetzten Zone Deutschlands im Jahre 1945 (Hamburg: Bezirksgruppe Hamburg der Gesellschaft fur deutsche Postgeschichte e.V., 1982). [G6299 .H35 K961w 1982]
Majumdar, Mohini Lal. Calcutta General Post Office: Earlier Postal History of Bengal Presidency (Howrah, India: Mohini Lal Majumdar, 1998). [G7654 .C34 M234c 1998]

Napp, Joseph M. Napp's numbers. Volume Four - The Allied Military Government issues a Study of the Plate Numbers and the Marginal Markings found on the AMG Stamps printed by the United States Bureau of Engraving & Printing for use in Italy, France, Germany and Austria 1943-1946, with appendix pages for AMG booklets with specimen handstamps , Japan, Korea, Ryukyu and Czechoslovakia (West Orange, NJ: Grounds for Divorce Publications, 2011). [G3691 .P716 N217n v.4]
Nguyen Ngoc V y. Danh muc tem Bưu chinh Viet Nam 1945-2005 = Vietnam postage stamp catalogue 1945-2005 (Ha Noi, Vietnam: Nha xuat ban Bưu đien, 2006). [G8020 .A1 D182d]

Nordberg, Roland. Classic Costa Rica to the 1889 Correos Overprints: The Handout following the Presentation given to the Royal Philatelic Society London, 16 February 2023. (London, UK: Royal Philatelic Society London, 2023). [G4861 .C614 N828c 2023]
Peck, Richard C. Postage paid Australia (Sydney, Australia: Richard C. Peck, 1992). [G8961 .P85532 P366p 1992]

Reichman, James G. Space-Related Zhitomir Philatelic Commemorations, 1966 to 1992 (Mesa, AZ: James G. Reichman, 2023). [HE6183 .S732 R352sz 2023]
Royal Philatelic Society London. Clash of Empires the 1879 Anglo-Zulu war, Exhibition Preview (London, UK: Royal Philatelic Society London, 2023). [VERT FILE Royal Philatelic Society London]
Stephan, H. [Heinrich] von. Geschichte der Preussischen Post: von ihrem ursprunge bis auf die Gegenwart (Berlin, Germany: Transpress, 1987). [G6081 .P856 S827g 1987]
Toop, Bryan. Victorian Government Punctures (Timboon, Victoria, Australia: Bryan Toop, 1988). [G8991 .P438 T672v 1988]
Tran, Quang Vy. Sưu tập tem Viet Nam về đấu tranh vũ trang bảo ve Tổ quốc ([Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam: Tran Quang Vy, 1995). [G8021 .T674 T772s 1995]
Wallen, Dennis S. Australian Postmarks & Slogans, 1917-1979 (Surfers Paradise, Queensland: D. & M. Wallen Pty., 1982). [G8961 .P857 W197a 1982]
Wiegand, Werner. Katalog der Aerogramme von Asien 1991 (Stuttgart, Germany: Europaischen Aero-Philatelisten-Club e.V. Stuttgart, 1991). [HE6238 .W645ka 1991]

World Philatelic Congress of Israel. 20th Anniversary Publication of World Philatelic Congress of Israel Holyland and Judaica Societies (Ontario, Canada: World Philatelic Congress of Israel, Holy Land and Judaica Societies, 1986). [G7500 .W927a 1986]
Association of British Philatelic Societies. ABPS Executive Bulletin: Stamp Active Network Supplement (Crowborough, England: Association of British Philatelic Societies, 2009). [JOURNAL ABPS Executive Bulletin]
Berry, Richard. A First World War Conscientious Objector: Sydney Robert Turner RDP (London, UK: The Royal Philatelic Society London, 2023). [JOURNAL London Philatelist]
BNAPS Elizabethan II Study Group, Post-Elizabethan New Issues: Supplement to Corgi Times, Bi-Monthly Journal of the Elizabethan II Study Group (Elizabethan II Study Group (BNAPS), 2022-). [JOURNAL Post-Elizabethan New Issues]
Cherrystone Philatelic Auctioneers. Newfoundland Air Mail 1919-39 January 25, 2023 (New York, NY: Cherrystone Philatelic Auctioneers, 2023). [NS Newfoundland Air Mail]

Gert Müller. Freudenstadt Sammlung Dr. Penning 18 February 2021 (Ettlingen: Gert Müller, 2021). [NS Penning]
Heinrich Köhler-Auktion. Altdeutsche Staaten 8. Auktion, Die Sammlung Erivan = German States, 8th auction, The Erivan Collection 25 March 2023 (Zurich: Heinrich Köhler-Auktion, 2023). [NS Haub, Erivan - German States no.9]
Heinrich Köhler. American Trans-Atlantic mail carriers, 1800-1870, the Graham Booth Collection 24 March 2023 (Wiesbaden: Heinrich Köhler, 2023). [NS Booth, Graham]

Heinrich Köhler. Bayern ab 1849, die sammlung Eliahu Weber (Teil 4) 24 March 2023 (Wiesbaden: Heinrich Köhler, 2023). [NS Weber, Eliahu - part 4]
Heinrich Köhler. Deutschland 1849-2000, Altdeutsche Staaten und Deutsche Kolonien mit Besetzungsausgaben (G.R.I. und MAFIA), die Sammlung Erik B. Nagel (Teil I) 23 March 2023 (Wiesbaden: Heinrich Köhler, 2023). [NS Nagel, Erik B. - pt.1]
Heinrich Köhler. Freie Hansestadt Bremen, die Sammlung Karl-Hillard Geuther (Teil I) 24 March 2023 (Wiesbaden, Heinrich Köhler, 2023). [NS Geuther, Karl-Hillard - pt.1]
Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries. The Arthur S. Przybyl Collection, United States, Confederate States, Hawaiian Islands November 9-10, 2021 (New York, NY: Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries, 2021). [NS Przybyl, Arthur S.]
Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries. The Alan Collection of British North America December 6, 2022 (New York, NY: Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries, 2022). [NS Alan Collection]

Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries. The Gary Petersen Collection, Important United States Stamps April 29, and April 30, 2021 (New York, NY: Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries, 2021). [NS Petersen, Gary]
Sparks Auctions. The Athena Collection of Exceptional Quality Mint and Used Canada January 21st and February 11th, 2023 (Ottawa, ON, Canada, Sparks Auctions, 2023). [NS Athena Collection]