The APRL has one of the world's largest and most accessible collections of philatelic literature. Its nearly four miles of shelving contains more than 23,000 book titles and 5,700 journal titles. Below is a list of new materials that have just arrived and are now available in the APRL collection. The location in the APRL collection of each listed item is denoted in the square parentheses [ ] following each citation.
Items listed below are available to be borrowed either in-person or remotely, but only by APS members. If you are not already a member, consider joining the the APS for this one-of-a-kind member benefit. To inquire more about borrowing items from the APRL collection, contact the library at
Brun, A. Brun, A. Auctions (Paris: A. Brun, 1960-1963). [AUCTION Brun]
Doppler, Therese. Therese Doppler (Wien: Therese Doppler, 1968). [AUCTION Doppler]
Peters, Fred C. Fred C. Peters Auctions (Winnipeg, Manitoba: Fred C. Peters, 1962-1967). [AUCTION Peters, Fred C.]
Bratzel, M.P., Jr. The Postmarks and Postal History of Cameroun under British Administration - 1916-1961. Supplement 2 (Windsor, Ontario: MPB Canada, 2022). [G8731 .P856 M179pm 2022 Suppl. 2]
Graham, Conrad. The Cinderella Stamp Club, Library List (London, UK: Cinderella Stamp Club, 1983). [HE6191 .G738c 1983]
Heath, Laban. Heath's greatly improved and enlarged infallible government counterfeit detector, at sight. The only infallible method of detecting counterfeit, spurious, and altered bank notes, government bonds, etc. Applicable to all banks in the United States and Canadas, as now in circulation or that may be issued, with genuine designs from the original government plates. By authority from the United States Treasury Department, and the American, National, and Continental Bank Note Cos., New York and Boston (Boston; Washington, DC: Laban Heath & Co., 1870). [G3701 .F721 H437 1866]
Henderson, Wayne W. " Röstigraben" im Spiegel von Post und Bahn = "Röstigraben" as reflected by the Post Office and Railways - Postal and Railway Cancels Along the German-French Language Border (Giebenach, Switzerland: Multiprint Verlag GmbH, 2013). [G6041 .P857 B118rz 2013]
Jacques, Alec. Andorre et le 'Graf Zeppelin' (Schiltigheim, France: Philandorre, 2007). [HE6238 .J194a 2007]
Osthoff, Gernot. Post Office Murals of South Africa (South Africa: Gernot Osthoff, 2022). [G8501 .P855 O855p 2022]
Stead, Philip C. Special Delivery (New York, NY: Roaring Brook Press, 2015). [HE6184 .J97 S799s 2015 Youth]
Taylor, Andy. The Story of the Austrian Post Up to 1850 (Stokesley, UK: Austrian Philatelic Society, 2021). [G6491 .P857 B819s 2021]
Winterstein, Felix "Röstigraben"- im Spiegel von Post und Bahn, Pratiques de la Poste et des Entreprises ferroviaires - Post- und Bahnstempel entlang der deutsch-französischen Sprachgrenze. Cachets postaux et ferroviaires employés le long de la frontière linguistique. (Giebenach, Switzerland: Multiprint Verlag GmbH, 2013). [G6041 .P857 B118r 2013]
Australian Philatelic Specialists Group. Stamp Talk (Australia): Official Journal of the Australian Philatelic Specialists Group (known as the Australian Commonwealth Group) (Adelaide, Australia: Australian Philatelic Specialists Group, 1979-1987). [JOURNAL Stamp Talk (Australia)]
National Association of Postmasters of the United States. Postmasters' Convention News Daily Newsletter (Pittsburgh, PA: National Association of Postmasters of the United States, 1962). [JOURNAL Postmasters' Convention News]
Abacus Auctions. The Dr Don Pearce South Australia: The Stamps and Their Usage 9 November 2022 (Mount Waverley, Victoria, Australia: Abacus Auctions, 2022). [NS Pearce, Dr. Don]
Corinphila Auktionen AG. Great Britain "Gems of the 1840/41 issues" 29 November 2022 (Zurich: Corinphila Auktionen AG, 2022). [NS Great Britain]
Corinphila Auktionen AG. Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia, the 'DUBOIS' Collection (Part I) 29 November 2022 (Zurich: Corinphila Auktionen AG, 2022). [NS Dubois Collection pt.1]
Corinphila Auktionen AG. British Commonwealth, Ceylon (Part II), British Central & East Africa (Part I), Bushire – British Occupation (Part II), the 'Besançon' collection. 28 November 2022 (Zurich: Corinphila Auktionen AG, 2022). [NS Besancon Collection]
Corinphila Auktionen. Deutsche-Französischer Krieg, Auswirkungen auf die Schweizer Postgeschichte 1866-1871, Die Sammlung 'Bismarck' 30 January 2021 (Zurich, Switzerland: Corinphila Auktionen, 2021). [NS Bismarck Collection]
Corinphila Auktionen AG. Italy, France, European Countries, British Commonwealth, South & Central America. The Ing. Pietro Provera Collections (Part V). 1 December 2022 (Zurich: Corinphila Auktionen AG, 2022). [NS Provera, Pietro (Europe & Overseas) - Part 5]
Corinphila Auktionen. Österreich & Lombardo-Veneto 1850-1867, die Sammlung, 'Waldviertel' (Teil I) 30 November 2022 (Zurich, Switzerland: Corinphila Auktionen, 2022). [NS Waldviertel Collection - pt.1]
Corinphila Auktionen AG. Schweiz, 2. Auktion, Die Sammlung Erivan = Switzerland, 2nd Auction, The Erivan Collection 30 January 2021 (Zurich: Corinphila Auktionen AG, 2021). [NS Haub, Erivan - Schweiz 2]
Heinrich Köhler. Bayern ab 1849, die Sammlung Eliahu Weber (Teil 3) 23 September 2022 (Wiesbaden: Heinrich Köhler, 2022). [NS Weber, Eliahu - part 3]
Heinrich Köhler-Auktion. Altdeutsche Staaten 8. Auktion, Die Sammlung Erivan = German States, 8th auction, The Erivan Collection September 24, 2022 (Zurich: Heinrich Köhler-Auktion, 2022). [NS Haub, Erivan - German States no.8]
Heinrich Köhler. International Mail via Trieste (Part 3), Alsace-Lorraine 1870-1872, Dienstsiegel-Entwertungen Hannover - Orts- und Landpost, the Rolf Rohlfs Collections. 23 September 2022 (Wiesbaden, Germany: Heinrich Köhler, 2022). [NS Rohlfs, Rolf pt.3]
Poly International Auction Co., Ltd. Stamps & Postal History, Imperial & ROC Postal Stationaries Collection form by Martin Lin December 22, 2018 (Beijing, China: Poly International Auction Co., Ltd., 2018). [NS Lin, Martin]
Poly International Auction Co., Ltd. Stamps & Postal History, Red Revenue Stamp Collection Form by Tom Chiu December 21, 2018 (Beijing, China: Poly International Auction Co., Ltd., 2018). [NS Chiu, Tom]
Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. The American Philatelic Society Auction August 25-28, 2022 (San Francisco, CA: Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions, 2022). [NS American Philatelic Society]
Sparks Auctions. The Daniel Cantor Collection of Queen Victoria Leaf and Numeral Stamps and Postal History October 27, 2022 (Ottawa, ON: Sparks Auctions, 2022). [NS Cantor, Daniel]
Spink. The Opium Wars 14 January 2022 (Hong Kong: Spink, 2022). [NS Opium Wars]
Spink. The 'Shambhala' Collection of Tibet 14 January 2022 (Hong Kong: Spink, 2022). [NS Shambhala Collection]
Spink. The Treaty Ports of The Shanghai Postal System, Part II. The Fortune Wang Collections. The First Portion of The Coastal Ports. 21 June 2019 (Hong Kong: Spink, 2019). [NS Wang, Fortune]
Arend, Nick. The Buzzing Bee (Wimborne, Alberta: Arend, Nick, 1945). [PRICE LIST Buzzing Bee]
Armstrong, H. W. Canal Zone Postal Stationary (Indialantic, FL: H.W. Armstrong, n.d.). [PRICE LIST Armstrong, H. W.]
Briton, Wilfred. Britons Awake (England: Briton, Wilfred, 1904). [PRICE LIST Briton, Wilfred]
Brookman - Barrett & Worthen. Brookman Annual Price List Catalog (Bedford, NH: Brookman - Barrett & Worthen, 1953-2016). [PRICE LIST Brookman]
Brooks Stamp Co. Brooks Stamp Company (Brooklyn, NY: Brooks, 1969-1996). [PRICE LIST Brooks Stamp Co.]
Brophey, Allard F. Brophey Wholesale Supplier of High Grade Canadian Postage Stamps (Montreal, Quebec: Allard F. Brophey, 1942-1945). [PRICE LIST Brophey, Allard F.]
Brosnan, M. K. Sets and Packets of Foreign Stamps: Albums and Philatelic Accessories (London, England: M. K. Brosnan, n.d.).[PRICE LIST Brosnan, M. K.]
Brott, Leroy E. Leroy E. Brott (Muskegon, MI: Leroy E. Brott, 1979). [PRICE LIST Brott, Leroy E.]
Brouwer, Theo. West German Space Items (Amsterdam, Netherlands: Theo Brouwer, 1971). [PRICE LIST Brouwer, Theo]
Brown, Frank P. "B. B." Brown's Bulletin (Boston, MA: Frank P. Brown, 1896-1913). [PRICE LIST Brown's Bulletin]
Brown, G.D. G. D. Brown (Texas City, TX: G. D. Brown, 1972-1976). [PRICE LIST Brown, G. D.]
Brown, Gregory A. Wholesale U.S. Specials: All Stamps Unused, NH (Boynton Beach, FL: Gregory A. Brown, n.d.). [PRICE LIST Brown, G. A.]
Brown, Richard R. Richard R. Brown (Keyport, NJ: Richard R. Brown, 1896). [PRICE LIST Brown, R. R.]
Brown, S. A. S. A. Brown (London, England: S. A. Brown, 1918). [PRICE LIST Brown, S. A.]
Brown, Thomas D. Thomas D. Brown (Los Angeles, CA: Thomas D. Brown, n.d.). [PRICE LIST Brown, T. D.]
Brown, William. Brown's Advertiser (Salisbury, England: Brown, William, n.d.). [PRICE LIST Brown, William]
Brown, William. Cheap Packets (Salisbury, England: Brown, William, n.d.). [PRICE LIST Brown, William]
Brown, William. Cheap Sets Pt. II and III (Salisbury, England: Brown, William, n.d.). [PRICE LIST Brown, William]
Brown, William. Ephemera (Salisbury, England: Brown, William, n.d.). [PRICE LIST Brown, William]
Brown, William. Handwritten Price Lists (Salisbury, England: Brown, William, n.d.). [PRICE LIST Brown, William]
Brown, William. New Lists of Cheap Stamps (Salisbury, England: Brown, William, 1898-1904). [PRICE LIST Brown, William]
Brown, William. Packets (Salisbury, England: Brown, William, n.d.). [PRICE LIST Brown, William]
Brown, William. Price List: Foreign & Colonial (Salisbury, England: Brown, William, 1906-1907). [PRICE LIST Brown, William]
Brown, William. Rarities (Salisbury, England: Brown, William, n.d.). [PRICE LIST Brown, William]
Brown, William. Retail List of Cheap Stamps (Salisbury, England: Brown, William, 1899-1902). [PRICE LIST Brown, William]
Brown, William. Retail List of Cheap Stamps Pts I thru X (Salisbury, England: Brown, William, n.d.). [PRICE LIST Brown, William]
Brown, William. Retail: Unused Postage Stamps 1904-05 (Salisbury, England: Brown, William, 1904). [PRICE LIST Brown, William]
Brown, William. Retailer Circular (Salisbury, England: Brown, William, 1898). [PRICE LIST Brown, William]
Brown, William. Special Bargains: Lists 1 - 4 (Salisbury, England: Brown, William, n.d.). PRICE LIST Brown, William]
Brown, William. Special Sets (Salisbury, England: Brown, William, n.d.). [PRICE LIST Brown, William]
Brown, William. Wholesale and Retail: Foreign & Colonial (Salisbury, England: Brown, William, 1890). [PRICE LIST Brown, William]
Brown, William. Wholesale and Retail: Foreign Dealers (Salisbury, England: Brown, William, 1904-1906). [PRICE LIST Brown, William]
Brown, William. Wholesale and Retail: Foreign Stamps (Salisbury, England: Brown, William, 1892-1893). [PRICE LIST Brown, William]
Brown, William. Wholesale Foreign & Colonial (Salisbury, England: Brown, William, n.d.). [PRICE LIST Brown, William]
Brown, William. Wholesale: Cheap Variety Packets (Salisbury, England: Brown, William, n.d.). [PRICE LIST Brown, William]
Brown, William. Wholesale: Foreign & Colonial Pts I thru X (Salisbury, England: Brown, William, 1905-06). [PRICE LIST Brown, William]
Brown, William P. William P. Brown (New York, NY: William P Brown, 1886-1897). [PRICE LIST Brown, William P.]
The Browse House. The Browse House (Holly Hill, FL: The Browse House, 1986-2001). [PRICE LIST Browse House]
Bruce, Colin Robert. Colin Robert Bruce II (Lockport, NY: Colin Robert Bruce II, 1969-1975). [PRICE LIST Bruce, C. R.]
Bruce, W. H. United States Stamps and Stamped Envelopes (Hartford, CT: W. H. Bruce, 1896). [PRICE LIST Bruce, W. H.]
Brunsael Frimerkeforretning. Brunsæl Frimerkeforretning (Oslo, Norway: Brunsael Frimerkeforretning, 2008-2009). [PRICE LIST Brunsæl]
Brunswick Stamp Co. Brunswick Stamp Co. (Brunswick, GA: Brunswick Stamp Co., n.d.). [PRICE LIST Brunswick Stamp Co.]
Brunswick International Stamps & Auctions, Ltd. Brunswick International Stamps & Auctions, Ltd. (Guernsey, Channel Islands: Brunswick International Stamps & Auctions, Ltd., 1982-1983). [PRICE LIST Brunswick International]
Bruechig, Emil. A Catalog of Official Airmail Stamps -1937 (New York, NY: Emil Bruechig, 1937). [PRICE LIST Bruechig, Emil]
Bruhn, Paul. Hauptpreisliste 1988 Deutschland und Europa (Hamburg, Germany: Paul Bruhn, 1988). [PRICE LIST Bruhn, Paul]
Brundige, J. Merritt J. Merritt Brundige (Albany, NY: J. Merritt Brundige, 1937). [PRICE LIST Brundige, J. Merritt]
Brunström, Christer. Christer Brunström (Halmstad, Sweden: Christer Brunstrom, 1982-1985). [PRICE LIST Brunström, Christer]
Brusden-White. Brusden-White (Melbourne, Australia: Brusden-White, 1990-2002). [PRICE LIST Brusden-White]
Brutto, Roberto. Catalogo di Vendita a Prezi Netti (Genoa, Italy: Roberto Brutto, 1991-1992). [PRICE LIST Brutto, Roberto]
Buckey Stamp Co. Buckey Stamp Company (Dayton, OH: Bucky Stamp Co., 1936-1952). [PRICE LIST Buckey Stamp Co.]
Bucklin Philatelic Purveyors. Bucklin Philatelic Purveyors (Ipswich, MA: Bucklin Philatelic Purveyors, 1988). [PRICE LIST Bucklin Philatelic]
Buckridge, H. H. Buckridge (Eugene, OR: H. Buckridge, 1956). [PRICE LIST Buckridge, H.]
Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires Venta por Ofertas (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Buenos Aires, 1992). [PRICE LIST Buenos Aires]
Buffalo Stamp. Buffalo Stamp (Buffalo, NY: Buffalo Stamp, 1987-1994). [PRICE LIST Buffalo Stamp]
Bullard, Albert W. A. Bullard & Co. (Boston, MA: A. Bullard & Co, 1904-1908). [PRICE LIST Bullard, A.]
Buissink, Rev. P. Trinidad World Mission Stamp Bureau (San Rafael, Trinidad, British West Indies: Rev. P. Buissink, n.d.). [PRICE LIST Buissink, Rev. P.]
Buonocore, Vincent. Elvis Presley - The King of Rock n' Roll! (New York, NY: Buonocore, Vincent, n.d.). [PRICE LIST Buonocore, Vincent]
Burbach. The Burbach's (Portland, OR: Burbach, 1957). [PRICE LIST Burbach]
Bureau Print Service. May, 1937, Quotation of U. S. Bureau Postage Stamps (Riverhead, NY: Bureau Print Service, 1937). [PRICE LIST Bureau Print Service]
Burger & Co. Burger & Co. (Corner Maiden Lane, NY: Burger & Co, 1888-1897). [PRICE LIST Burger & Co.]
Burgess, Harry. Harry Burgess & Co. (Pembury, Kent, England: Harry Burgess & Co., 1937). [PRICE LIST Buress & Co.]
Burkiewicz, Roman. Roman J. Burkiewicz (Frisco, CO: Roman Burkiewicz, 1963-1990). [PRICE LIST Burkiewicz, Roman J.]
Burnett, E. E. Burnett (Vernon, British Columbia: E. Burnett, 1936-1937). [PRICE LIST Burnett, E.]
Burnham, R. W. Wanted! Old Postage Stamps: Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Canada, and the United States (Ipswich, MA: R. W. Burnham, n.d.). [PRICE LIST Burnham, R. W.]
Burrows Brothers Co. The Burrows Brothers Co. (Cleveland, OH: Burrows Brothers Co., 1928-1929). [PRICE LIST Burrows Brothers Co.]
Burton & Burton. Burton & Burton (Lake Geneva, WI: Burton & Burton, 1899-1900). [PRICE LIST Burton & Burton]
Buser, Ed., Jr. Ed. Buser, Jr. (New York, NY: Ed. Buser, Jr., 1936-1941). [PRICE LIST Buser Jr., Ed.]
Bush, Joseph V. Joseph V. Bush (Chula Vista, CA: Joseph V. Bush, 1953-1958). [PRICE LIST Bush, Joseph "Joe" V.]
Bushnell, B. Gordon. B. Gordon Bushnell (Indianapolis, IN: B. Gordon Bushnell, 1916-1922). [PRICE LIST Bushnell, B. Gordon]
Busser, J.E. J. E. Busser (Paris, France: J.E. Busser, 1946). [PRICE LIST Busser, J. E.]
Butler & Co. C. N. Butler & Co. (Maidenhead, England: C. N. Butler & Co., 1881). [PRICE LIST Butler & Co.]
Butler Bros. Butler Bros. (Brackley, England: Butler Bros., 1885-1909). [PRICE LIST Butler Bros.]
Butler, E. A. Rev. E. A. Butler (St. George, Newfoundland: Rev. E.A. Butler, 1929-1943). [PRICE LIST Butler, Rev. E. A.]
Butler Jr., James A. Rubber Stamps (Jacksonville, FL: James A. Butler Jr., n.d.). [PRICE LIST Butler Jr., J. A.]
Butow, Georg. Breifmarkenhaus u. Philatelistischer Verlag (Berlin, Germany: George Butow, n.d.). [PRICE LIST Bütow, Georg]
Butruch, N. P. Foreign Exchange Stamp Specials (New York, NY: ork, USA, N. P. Butruch, [1928-1929]). [PRICE LIST Butruch, N. P.]
Buxton, Stephen. The Buxton Stamp Co. Inc. (West Nyack, NY: The Buxton Stamp Co, Inc, 1975-1979). [PRICE LIST Buxton Stamp Co.]
Buys, Orville. Advertising Stamps (Jasper, IN: Orville Buys, 1933). [PRICE LIST Buys, Orville]
Byrnes, John. John Byrnes Cachets (Ajo, AZ: John Byrnes Cachets, n.d.). [PRICE LIST Byrnes, John]
C & G Stamps. C & G Stamps [price list] (Fayetteville, NC: C & G Stamps, 1997). [PRICE LIST C & G Stamps]
C.A. News. C.A. News (Urmston, Manchester, England: C.A. News, n.d.). [PRICE LIST C.A. News]
Cabal, Fernando Hevia. Fernando Hevia Cabal (Madrid, Spain: Cabal, Fernando Hevia, n.d.). [PRICE LIST Cabal, Fernando H.]
Cabany, Edouard. Edouard Cabany (Paris, France: Edouard Cabany, 1935). [PRICE LIST Cabany, Edouard]
Cachet-Craft Cover Service. Cachet Craft Cover Service (Framingham, MA: Cachet-Craft Cover Service, n.d.). [PRICE LIST Cachet-Craft Cover Service]
Cachets by Shirley Corp. Cachets by Shirley Corp (Highland, MD: Cachets by Shirley Corp., n.d.). [PRICE LIST Cachets by Shirley Corp.]
Caillié. Offre Spéciale de Timbres des Colonies: Colonies Francaises (Bordeaux, France: Caillié, 1890). [PRICE LIST Caillié]
Cal, Don S. Don S. Cal (Victoria, British Columbia: Cal, Don S., 2018-2019). [PRICE LIST Cal, Don S.]
Calder, John B. Descriptive Price Catalogue of Government Postage Stamps (Providence, RI: John B Calder, 1872). [PRICE LIST Calder, John B.]
Calgary Stamp Shop. Calgary Stamp Shop (Calgary, Alberta: Calgary Stamp Shop, 1981). [PRICE LIST Calgary Stamp Shop]
Calhoun's Collectors Society., Inc. Calhoun's Collectors Society (Minneapolis, MN: Calhoun's Collectors Society., Inc., 1983). [PRICE LIST Calhoun's Collectors Society]
Calico, X. & F. Prontuario de la Moneda Arabigo-Española (Barcelona, Spain: X. & F. Calico, [n.d.]). [PRICE LIST Calico, X. & F.]
Callf & Co. Callf & Co. (Seaford, Sussex, England: Callf & Co., 1887-1914). [PRICE LIST Callf & Co.]
Calman, G.B. G. B. Calman Wholesale Dealer in Postage Stamps (New York, NY: G. B. Calman, 1886-1888). [PRICE LIST Calman, G. B.]
Calver Brothers. Calver Brothers (Calver Brothers, n.d.). [PRICE LIST Calver Bros.]
Calvert & Co. Chas H. Calvert & Co. (Hull, England: Calvert & Co., n.d.). [PRICE LIST Calvert & Co.]
C-A-M. C-A-M Private Treaty Stamp Sales (Sunnyside, FL: C-A-M, n.d.). [PRICE LIST C-A-M]
Campbell, C. C. Campbell (Brooklyn, NY: Campbell, C., 1952). [PRICE LIST Campbell Misc]
Campbell, C. B. T. Miss C. B. T. Campbell (Chorley, Lancashire, England: Ellis & Sons, n.d.). [PRICE LIST Campbell, C. B. T.]
Campbell, Gordon. J. Mr. Stamp Collector! (Pasadena, CA: Gordon J. Campbell, n.d.). [PRICE LIST Campbell Misc]
Campbell, H. R. Campbell Collector (Ellenville, NY: H.R. Campbell, n.d.). [PRICE LIST Campbell Misc.]
Campbell Hall Co. Campbell Hall Co. (Ozone Park, NY: Campbell Hall Co., 2004). [PRICE LIST Campbell Hall Co.]
Campbell, James. James Campbell (Rutherglen, Glasgow, Scotland: Campbell, James, n.d.). [PRICE LIST Campbell, James]
Campbell, W. R. Campbell, W. R. (Ellenville, NY: Campbell, W. R., n.d.). [PRICE LIST Campbell Misc]
Campman Stamps. Campman Stamps Life Member of the American Philatelic Society (Las Vegas, NV: Campman Stamps, 2012). [PRICE LIST Campman Stamps]
Campo, Ricardo del. Libreria y Filatelia Venecia Ricardo del Campo (Habana, Cuba: Ricardo del Campo, 1959). [PRICE LIST Campo, Ricardo del]
Canadian Lung Association. Canadian Lung Association (Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Lung Association, [1982]). [PRICE LIST Canadian Lung Assoication]
Canadian Philatelics of Montreal. Canadian Philatelics of Montreal Stamp Wholesaler (Montreal, Quebec: Canadian Philatelics of Montreal, n.d.). [PRICE LIST Canadian Philatelics of Montreal]
Canadian Stamp Investors Corporation. Canadian Stamp Investors Corp. (London, Ontario: Canadian Stamp Investors Corporation, 1974). [PRICE LIST Canadian Stamp Investors Corp.]
Club Filatelico Internazionale. El Cambista (Sestao, Spain: Club Filatelico Internazionale, 1992). [PRICE LIST Club Filatelico]
Ellis, Richard. Cambridge-Essex Stamp Company, Inc. (New York, NY: Cambridge-Essex Stamp Company, Inc., n.d.). [PRICE LIST Cambridge-Essex Stamp Co., Inc.]
Gilbert, Patrick W. Buchanan Stamps (Montreal, Quebec: Buchanan Stamps, 1998). [PRICE LIST Buchanan Stamps]
Johnson, Alden C. Canadian Stamp News (Toronto, Ontario: Canadian Stamp News, n.d.). [PRICE LIST Canadian Stamp News]
Paterson, Campbell. Campbell Paterson (Auckland, New Zealand: Paterson, Campbell, 1967-2010). [PRICE LIST Campbell Paterson]
Savedow, Randy. Brun & Fils (Paris: Brun & Fils, 1994-1995). [PRICE LIST Brun & Fils]